Chapter Fifteen

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I landed a bit unsteadily, but Loki kept me from falling. When I saw where we were I gasped. I was looking over the nighttime Paris skyline. We were standing on the observation deck on the Eiffel Tower. Soft music played in the background, and covered candles were scattered around the edge of the open area.
"Loki, I don't know what to say." I breathed out.
"Then you don't have to say anything." With that he took my hand and we danced. We danced for hours it seemed, every second was bliss. I could've stayed like this forever, but of course, every good moment comes to an end.
"Ready for dinner?" Loki asked. I smiled and replied:
"Food? Always." Loki laughed. With a wave of his hand a table appeared with silver platers and a bottle of champagne. We ate in a comfortable silence, only broken to exchange small talk. All of a sudden, Loki became very twitchy.
"Are you ok?" I asked, concern laden in my voice. He smiled and led me by the hand to the railing of the deck. He looked quite nervous.
"Max, you are the most beautiful, smart, funny, and overall amazing woman I have ever met. I am so glad that we found each other and that we can be happy together...I guess what I'm trying to say is..." My eyes grew large as Loki got onto one knee and pulled a velvet black box from his suit pocket.
"Maximum Ride, will you marry me?" I looked him in the eye and knew that this was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I was so happy that I almost couldn't respond.
"Yes!" I managed to chock out. Loki smiled, and slid the ring onto my finger and stood up. He hugged me as tight as he possibly could, and whispered in my ear:
"I love you Max."

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