Chapter Fourteen

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This was exactly like last time. I was flying away from my home with tears in my eyes. I had let myself get soft again. I had let them in. And, exactly like last time I got hurt. He had made me soft. Loki had made me soft. That can never happen again. I dried my tears as I flew through the air and put on my emotionless mask.
"Where to?" I said in a monotone as I wiped the last of my tears away. I took a moment to compose myself.
"New York. I will head my invasion from the Stark Tower. My allies have alerted me that the Helicarrier is over in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. We have days at most before they will be here once they know about us. We must act quickly." He said.
"Sark tower it is." I said, and with that I flew as fast as I could to the place I had fled from not long ago.
I landed on Tony's roof, the adrenaline long since faded, and almost collapsed. Leaning heavily on Loki, we crept into the tower. Loki sat me on the couch and went to go raid Tony's fridge. The place seemed so empty and dead without everyone there.
"Hey Loki? I'm going to head to bed. See you in the morning." I called.
"Goodnight Max." he replied. With that I wandered down the familiar halls to my old room. Everything was there, just where I had left it.
I sunk in to the soft fabric on the bed and slowly sunk into a restless sleep.
I stood in the middle of a torn up street with flipped over cars, smashed shop windows, and even fires that never seemed to stop. Suddenly, the avengers appeared at one end of the street. They started walking toward me, but we're surrounded by Chitauri before they could reach me. They fought as hard as they could, but one by one they faded into nothing. Without their previous target, they turned on me. I ran, but tripped, and they attacked.
I woke up with a start. What did it mean? My dreams always mean something. I'll worry about it later. Right now my main concern is food. Sighing, I got up and stretched, in the process knocking over a lamp. Of course. I walked down the hall to the kitchen, the sweet smell of pancakes luring me closer.
"Good morning Max." Loki said, and hugged me.
"Morning Loki. What's this?" I asked.
"I just thought it would be a nice way to start the day. Can I not make a nice breakfast for my girlfriend?" He said with mock offense.
"Oh no I love it." I said as I brushed past him to grab a stack of pancakes. Together we sat down, and dug in. Loki glanced at me, and then spoke.
"So, I was thinking we could do something special today. To get our minds off things for a little while." Loki took my hand in his, "What do you think?"
"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea." I replied.
"Great! I'll go get ready and then we can go." Loki jumped up and left.
"Wait! Where are we...whatever." He had already left. I got up as well and went into my own room.
I opened up my closet and searched through the many dresses that Tony had had made for me, all of them tailored specifically to me. I grabbed a midnight blue dress, that if held at the right angle seemed to sparkle. The top part of it fit snugly and the skirt stopped above one knee, and draped almost down to the ground at an angle. It was quite flowy and would be good for dancing. I paired it with jeweled high heels, and curled hair.
Finally I was done. I walked out into the living room to see Loki sitting there dressed in a beautiful black suit and green and gold scarf.
"Wow Max, you look...beautiful. Are you ready?" He asked. I blushed, and nodded. He put his arms around my waist and the sensation of teleportation surrounded me.

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