Chapter Thirteen

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When I woke up the next morning, I heard banging and clattering coming from the kitchen area. Immediately awake, I slowly got out of bed and crept silently towards whatever was making the noise. When I finally turned the corner, I saw Iggy flipping a pancake and Loki struggling with the different pots and pans, obviously trying to help. I laughed, giving myself away and Loki ended up dropping everything on the counter top.

"Hi Max. How do pancakes and cupcakes sound?" Iggy asked me, being the only one who could cook in the family.

"That sounds great!" I said. I watched as the very annoyed looking Loki fizzled out of existence and strong arms wrapped around me from behind. He set his chin on my shoulder and said,

"Good morning Max."

"Loki! No magic this early in the morning!" I protested.

"Max, it's almost noon." Nudge said, walking in from the other room.

"Really? That means I slept for more than half a day. That's never happened before." I said sleepily. I pushed Loki's arms off of me and plopped myself on the couch. I grabbed the remote and clicked on the tv. The news came on and I saw a picture of myself and Loki on the screen. A reporter was talking so I turned up the volume.

"This man and this woman are wanted for murder. If you have any news on either of them or have seen either of them, please contact the police. Do not atempt to make contact as these are very dangerous people. The man is called Loki and the woman is called Maximum Ride." She then preceded to give different ways to contact people about us but I was kind of shocked. She talked about our appearances but I turned it off. Fury was so desperate to find us that he had even put us on the news. This was crazy.

"So, you two made it on the news huh?" Gazzy asked as he walked up and sat on another chair. He talked as if this was the coolest thing in the world.

"Yes apparently we did." I said still kind surprised. Angel and Fang walked in the room together.

"Good..." I started to say but was cut off by Fang.

"Max we need to talk. Just us." He said as he gestured at me, him, and Angel.

"Oookkkaaayyy." I said, stretching out the word. I got up and walked past Loki who was now sitting at the table. They led me into another room, out of earshot of the others.

"Max, I...I'm sorry." Angel started. "That day, the day you left. I...Fang you tell her." Angel looked nervous and a little scared.

"We didn't vote you out of power. Angel wanted to be the leader, and she mind controlled us. She made us do it. Until now, we didn't even know what happened. Angel told us that you had decided to leave and left her in charge while you were away. By this time, she was to tired to control us again and we decided to put me in charge." Fang said. "I never..." Fang paused for a second before continuing.

"I always wanted you to leave. Even though Angel may have controlled some of us, it was my idea. I always wanted you gone. Ha! And to think, you actually thought I loved you."

I stumbled back in shock. Bumping into the door by accident. My hand fumbled for the knob before I opened the door and slammed it behind me. Tears started finding their way into my eyes. I ran over to the table and grabbed Loki by his coat and dragged him from the table. I walked out onto the patio without looking at anyone or anything. Loki's eyes widened as he realized what I was going to do. His grasp tightened on my arms and he didn't fight me as I jumped off the cliff. My tears were falling freely now any I made no attempt at wiping them away. Loki just clung onto me silently, knowing I didn't want to talk. I love him and he's all I have left.

Fang's POV

I was trying to explain to max why what happened, when I felt that oh to familiar feeling start to spread through my head making me stop talking. Before I could warn Max, she had pushed me into the back of my mind. Angel was controlling me again. I fought and fought her, but no matter how hard I tried not to, I was forced to say things that I didn't mean at all, and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

Helplessly, I watched the only woman I had ever cared about run away from me and my words. I couldn't move to stop her as she grabbed her new boyfriend and ran outside. This was so painful. It was like I was loosing her all over again, but this time, it was worse, because I knew she would never forgive me. She would confide in that man and find love. But she would do it without me in her life, and now I knew I could never have her back. Angel let me have control over myself as she jumped off the cliff with Loki, knowing that no matter how hard I tried, I could never catch her now. I turned to her.

"How could you?!"

Angel's POV

"How could you?!" His voice sounded so broken inside. I didn't want to make Max leave, the first or second time, but I had no choice. I didn't need to wear contacts as my blue eyes merged with the unnatural blue from the Tesseract. I was powerful. That's what he needs. A powerful being who can carry out his every command. Ever since Fang let me go out flying alone, I've been different. I've been under control. Thanos got to me. He made me control the flock for him. I have no control.

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