Chapter One

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I was sitting on the couch playing x-box when something crashed through the windows that I was thrown out of by Loki. It was a person, a girl. What the heck?! She got back up and jumped out the window. I ran over and she was attacking something big and green. She was fighting the Hulk! She is insane! I was taking a day off but everyone else was on a mission.
"JARVIS, I need to suit up." I yelled. I jumped out of the window and my suit strapped itself onto me as I fell. When I landed on the ground I saw what their mission was. The scene in front of me was crazy. Natasha was passed out on a car in a dent obviously made by her body. The girl was sitting on the hulks shoulders dodging his punches finally she jumped off and the hulk couldn't find her. She then caught one of Clint's arrows inches from her temple. Thor swung his hammer at the girl and she dodged it, but it went past her and hit Clint square in the chest. knocking him into his own dented car. She and Thor started to fight, but she had more agility and technique. The girl used Thor's own strength against him to knock him off his feet just as Steve came at her with his shield. I sprung into action and the hulk ran back over and together, Captain America, The Hulk, Thor, and me, Iron Man, were able to restrain her.
One of SHIELD's helicopters lowered a cage to the ground and we were able to stuff the raging girl inside. The helicopter lowered a ladder that Steve used while I flew Natasha up to the door and handed her off to someone else. Thor grabbed Clint and flew up with his hammer. Bruce changed back and climbed up the ladder as well. Soon we were all inside and seated in the helicopter on our way to the SHIELD helicarier.
As we landed on the helipad the girls cage was being detached from the chain it was hanging from. We all got out of the helicopter and followed the SHIELD agents taking her away. Natasha and Clint were being taken into the medical wing. We all walked into an observation room that had a one way glass wall. The girl was shoved into the room on the other side of the glass. The door was immediately shut behind her. She started throwing things at the walls, trying to break out. She calmed down a little and looked straight at the one way glass. She was creepy!
"This isn't the first time I've dealt with one way glass you know. I know your behind there. What the hell do you want from me?!" she yelled. With that she punched the wall across from the glass and made a dent with just her fist. "At least tell me what you want!" she screamed. Since I was the least battered, I went to the door. I stepped inside, making sure that I shut the door behind me.


A man in a red and gold suit of armor walked in. He had his helmet off and he approached me slowly.
"I swear I'm not going to hurt you." He said. He had his hands up in surrender. "I'm Tony Stark." I stood up and circled him. I could take him down if needed. Who were these people?
"I'm Max." I told him and pinned him against the wall by his neck. "Now can I please get out of here?" Tony raised his hand to shoot a repulser beam at me and I grabbed a metal chair to deflect it. Somehow, I managed to aim it at the one way glass. It broke and revealed three men standing there. Tony tried to attack again. I kicked him into the wall and sat on the table that was in my room.
"Can we not just talk?" I asked with exasperation evident in my tone. "Who are you people?" I asked them.
"I am Thor of Asgard." Thor said.
"I am Bruce Banner, sometimes The Hulk." He said.
"And I'm Steve Rodgers, or Captain America." Tony tried to run at me again and I threw him over my head and into the chairs in the other room.
"You are really starting to annoy me Tony, I suggest you stop." I told him.
"What is going on here?!" a tall dark skinned man walked in. He was quite intimidating. "What the Hell?!" he yelled as he surveyed the damage I've done. "Who are you and what happened in here?! Stark! Banner?! Rodgers! Thor?! what's going on?" He approached me warily. "Is this the problem I sent you take care of?" he asked the four men. They uneasily nodded yes.
"Really? Did you just call me a problem?" I shouted at him. This guy just pissed me off.
"Be careful Director! she's dangerous!" Stark said. I growled at him very animalisticly.
"Well, I'm director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D."

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