Chapter Five

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Why was I not surprised? A high class criminal, haunting me. That's just my luck! But, why me? Why would Loki have any amount of interest in me. Fury dismissed us from the meeting. I walked out of the room next to Tony and his face was pale and he was frowning. We were wandering down a hallway aimlessly when my head exploded in pain.

Tony's POV

I was walking down the metallic hallway next to Max when I heard a shriek. A blood curdling scream shook me out of my thoughts as I searched for the source. I looked at the floor and max was curdled up in a fetal position clutching her head and screaming. This had to be bad because I know that Max has a very high pain tolerance. She was shaking violently and clearly in pain.
"Help! Someone! Help!" I yelled. Every few seconds Max would let out another scream. In between screams she whimpered pitifully. I couldn't stand to watch this any longer. I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up. She was much lighter than I expected. I started sprinting as fast as I could towards the hospital wing.

Max's POV

I felt so weak in this moment and I couldn't do anything about it. The pain in my head was excruciating. I couldn't move let alone talk. Every wave of pain that crashed down onto my brain was more painful than the last. I couldn't help my pitiful screaming. I felt strong arms wrap around me, and lift me into the air. Tony. We started moving. He was saying something but every noise around me blurred until I couldn't make out individual sounds. Cold metal hit my back but I couldn't care less. Tony laid me down on something soft and fluffy. He tried shaking me and talking to me but I couldn't hear or feel. I was just numb. All I wanted was for the pain to end. Soon enough I got my wish. With one last wave of pain that lasted a few seconds it stopped. When the pain went away all of my energy was sucked away with it and darkness overtook me.

I was in stark towers again. My hands were tied around a metal pole behind me and I was sitting on the floor. My knees were bent in front of me and people were bustling around me. I looked down at what I was wearing and I gasped. I was in a dress. The dress fitted my torso tightly and fanned out beneath my waist. The neckline wasn't to low, much to my relief. The back was fitted so my wings stuck out of slits that were perfectly fitted to their shape. This dress had obviously been designed especially for me. The dress was a sparkling emerald green. The same green as his eyes. As he turned towards me from the stairs he stopped and had a sharp intake of breath. I suddenly felt really self conscious about myself. There was makeup on my face and my blonde hair had been curled.
"Do I look that bad?" I asked him with a blush. I've never felt this way before. Is he toying with my emotions? God, why is he making me feel this way?!
"Max! Max, wake up. Wake up Max!" Loki shouted at me. I realized it wasn't him but someone else. Tony!

As my eyelids fluttered open, I saw faces wearing concerned expressions staring back at me. Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, and Bruce were looking at me. Relief was evident in their eyes and I wondered what was wrong.
"What?" I asked.
"Do you not remember?" Tony asked.
"Remember what?" I asked.
"Your headache?" Tony said in a duh tone. It all came flooding back into my mind and I groaned.
"I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened. I-" My eyes widened in realization.
"It was Loki."

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