Chapter Four

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I was held against the wall by several Chitauri with at least 30 others wielding guns walking around the place. Where was I? Of course! I was at Stark Towers. Tony had given me and Bruce an earful for breaking his windows the day we met. Anyway, the man in front of me was the same man that had teleported me onto the ship. He was wearing green, gold, and black armor and a gold horned helmet. He had a green cape and a golden scepter that had some kind of blue energy at the end. He pointed the scepter at my heart. When it touched my chest, a feeling of ice washed over me. My brain felt as if it was being ripped apart and sewn back together. Spots started to dance in my eyesight as I fell to my knees clutching my head. As soon as it started, it was over and I could no longer control myself. I stood and the man led me away.
"I would never do that to you." A voice said, effectively waking me up. I tried to sit up and a cold hand helped me. Something was definentaly wrong with me. I was not alert and I was overly drowsy. "Don't worry. Nothing is wrong with you. You'll be fine soon." A soft and smooth voice said. This voice was very comforting and made me relax immediately. I slowly opened my brown eyes to be met with sparkling emerald ones that you could get lost in. The eyes belonged to the man who teleported me back onto the helicarier.
"Until next time."The strange man said as he gently brushed a kiss on my knuckles. Then, in a flash of green and gold glitter he was gone. My headache lifted and I was awake and alert again. Was that a dream? No, it couldn't have been. I had woken up from a dream. My hand was still tingling where he kissed me. As I got up to my feet, Thor's hammer, mjolnir, came crashing through my wall and hit my stomachs sending me flying through two walls with it. When I stopped moving, I laid there quietly in pain. When the black spots in my eyes faded, I could see Thor, Fury, and agent Hill standing over me.
"Are you okay Max?" Thor asked.
"Not really. I was hit by a hammer crashing through my room, I probably have broken ribs, I'm being haunted by some really weird guy, and to top it off, I have a headache. No, a migraine!" I said. I was in a lot of pain now but I could already feel my bones mending themselves.
"Wait, what?" Fury said. "Did you say that you were being haunted by 'some really weird guy'?" his tone was enough to set me on edge.
"Yes I did." I replied. "He is tall and has piercing green eyes. He has black hair that almost reaches his shoulders. His skin is very pale and his hands are very cold. The first time I saw him, he grabbed me in midair and teleported us back on the ship. The second time, was in a dream, or nightmare, I had last night. The third time was just before I was knocked in here." I finished my description and watched as recognition played across their features. They all looked at each other and said, "Loki." The three of them ran off to do something and a nurse came and helped me into the hospital wing were my stomach was bandaged up. They gave me some pain pills and I was sent away. As I passed the conference room that we always used for avenger meetings I heard voices inside. The first voice I heard was Fury's.
"Now, before I tell you about this we have to agree to keep this information from Max." the others mumbled their consent and Fury continued. "Loki has escaped prison." Angry shouts erupted around the room. "His whereabouts are unknown at the moment, but we are working on finding him. This morning Max told us that Loki has been and I quote, 'haunting me'. He has appeared with her while she was flying, in her dreams, and this morning when she woke up. We could be able to catch him if he comes to max again. Max does not know anything about hi-" he was interrupted by me walking through the doors.
"Why exactly, are you planning to keep information from me? Tell me if I'm wrong, but isn't it me who is being visited by this 'Loki'? I think, that I have more right to know this information than anybody else in this room. Oh, and I've heard this whole conversation. Why was he in prison? Are you telling me that a criminal visited me in my bedroom?" Fury sighed and looked me in the eye.
"Loki tried to take over the world."

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