Chapter Eight

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Loki started showing me around by pulling me with the rope. I felt like an animal. He had taken over Stark Towers and made it his home base. Somehow, keeping it secret from Tony the entire time. He finally led me to a room directly next to Tony's. He put a force field around the balcony and released me. He took my hand and kissed my knuckles.
"Goodnight Max." He said as he left, locking the door be kind him. The sun was setting outside and the truth came crashing down on me. The team were on the helicarrier enjoying themselves, while I was being held prisoner by a deranged psychopath. They couldn't even find me. I walked out on to the patio and opened my wings. I slumped to my knees and incased myself in feathery warmth. None of this would of happened if I hadn't left my flock.
"Oh Fang. If only you could see me now." I said to the air.
"I can."

Tony's POV

I opened my eyes with a shuddering breath. I looked around and saw a white wall and curtains surrounding me. I was in the med wing. Why? then I remembered. Loki escaped, he had men under control in S.H.I.E.L.D., and I was.....shot. I should be dead. I shouldn't be alive. But I am. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, only to fall to the floor in pain. A nurse came rushing to my side and helped me back into the bed.
"Mr. Stark, you shouldn't be out of bed. Please, try to limit your movement. I don't want your wound to open up." She sounded very concerned. That can't be good.
"What happened?" I asked her.
"Loki's man shot you in the stomach, but it hit the tablet that was in your sweatshirt pocket." She picked up a shattered piece of machinery that was sitting on my bedside table and handed it to me. "I thought you might want to see the thing that quite possibly saved your life." She said.
"Then, what's my injury?" I didn't like were this was going.
"Some of the shattered screen pieces got inside you. Don't worry, we got them out. But, some of the surgery was so deep that it's going to take a while to heal. That's your, 'injury'." She was very kind while delivering this news. Great. More shrapnel inside me.
"Thank you." I nodded at her and she left. Bruce and Natasha walked in.
"Hey. How are you?" Bruce asked.
"I was just shot, and almost died, but other than that, I'm fine." I said sarcastically.
"Well......not just, shot per say." Natasha said. What does she mean, not just, shot.
"You've been out for three days, Tony. It was medically induced. For the surgeries. We have some bad news." He said darkly.
"Well, spill!" I demanded.
"Loki......has taken over your tower again, but we can't get through his force field. And...he has Max." Natasha told me. No! No, no, no! Not Max. I actually cared about her. As a friend of course.
"Don't worry. We'll get her back." Bruce promised.
"I'll hold you to that, Bruce."

Loki's POV

I watched her sit there, almost crying. It tore me apart. I was in love, and my love was in pain. I couldn't bear to watch her any more and I was about to teleport back to my room when she said,
"Oh Fang. If only you could see me now." She sounded said, and who is this 'Fang'? Then what surprised me most was when someone answered her.
"I can." I looked out past the patio, and hovering in the air, was a boy who looked about Max's age. She stood up and whispered in awe,
"Fang? What are you doing here?" She reached out towards the boy and was about to touch the force field so I teleported to her and grabbed her arm.

Max's POV

I was trying to touch Fang, when Loki appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my arm. I gasped. Had he been here the whole time?
"Don't hurt yourself Max." Loki said. He pushed me behind him and looked at Fang. "Who are you, 'Fang'? What is your purpose here?" Loki asked him.
"Who are you? And why are you keeping Max prisoner?" Fang asked Loki.
"Why do you think she is my prisoner?" Loki was amused.
"If you didn't have some kind of serious power over her, you would be passed out cold on the floor by now." He knows me to well. I got in between the two of them.
"Loki, this is Fang. Fang, this is Loki. Fang is from my flock, and Loki is a god. I don't recommend either of you angering the other." This couldn't end well. Loki was going to do something bad. I know it. Loki grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. I tried to push him away, but it was no use.
"Goodbye, Fang." Loki said as a strange light opened up around us and I could feel myself being sucked away. I tried to reach out to Fang but it was to late. I was being teleported.
"Where?" I asked.
"To Asgard."

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