Chapter Seven

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It turns out that the game was rigged so that only he could win. Figures. But why does Loki want to kiss me? Oh well.

"The game was rigged! I'm not going to let you kiss me!" I was currently pinning him on the ground and arguing at the same time. He pushed me off of him and pinned me down.

"Yes you are! A deal is a deal." I squirmed trying to get out of his grip. Apparently, wrestling with a god is a bad idea.

"Get off m-" I was cut off by Loki pressing his lips to mine. He wasn't rough like I expected, he was soft and gentle. His lips were cold and smooth. When he pulled away, I was completely stunned. The kiss took my breath away and sparks definitely flew. The doors slammed open.

"Get off of agent Ride, Loki." Fury commanded. Without letting his eyes leave mine he slowly stood up and backed away from me. I got up off the ground as well and dusted myself off. I walked towards the exit of his cage and Fury opened the door.

"See ya Loki." I said as I waved over my shoulder. To tell the truth, I'm still in shock. It's not that the kiss was bad, actually, it was great. And, I liked it. And the worst part, the camera in the corner of the room captured everything, and is probably playing a live feed to all the avengers. As I walked out of the room I went over what just happened. He kissed me. He kissed me even while he was a prisoner, and I was an agent for the place that imprisoned him. I just kept walking, and I eventually came to the room that all of the Avengers were lounging in. I was right. They were watching a live feed. I opened the door and sat down.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked out loud. Tony burst out laughing and in between fits of giggles he chocked out,

"" He continued laughing at me while Thor smirked and said,

"I think my brother may have a love interest." he wiggled his eyebrows at me. Steve laughed at that, and Natasha and Clint both cracked smiles.

"Can someone at least tell me why he kissed me? Thor, any ideas?" he thought for a moment. His eyes lit up and he snickered.

"Loki hasn't been in contact with any woman for a while." That's good enough for me.

"Alright. That settles it. Loki is just getting bored." I turned and left. This was too much for me. I need to fly. I set off at a jog to the top deck of the helicarrier and walked to the edge. We were right over New York. Perfect! I jumped off of fence that surrounds the edge and let the air open up around me. As the skyscrapers got closer and closer I opened up my wings. They caught an updraft and I was lifted into the sky again. I saw stark tower in the distance and decided to go over there. I flew through the air letting the wind ruffle my feathers and hair. This was pure bliss. All of a sudden I was hit by some kind of beam of light. It paralyzed me and I couldn't move, let alone fly. I fell. I fell through the air until someone caught me in their arms. My head flopped to the side and I saw a man in clothes like I've nothing I've ever seen before. He brought me inside and I saw that we were in Tony's living room. He put a cuff on my hand that was attached to the floor by a piece of rope, long enough that I could walk around some. Then he laid me down on the couch and walked away. My paralysis was wearing off by now and I stood up. And looked around. People were walking around just like in my dream. I felt a sudden urge to sleep. I laid on the couch and was consumed by darkness.

Tony's POV

A man walked in to Loki's room holding a pen. He typed in the code to open Loki's cell door. Loki stepped out of the glass cage and took the pen from the man. Loki then pressed the red button that would let his cage fall from the helicarrier. After it fell, he pressed a button on the pen and it turned into his scepter. By now sirens were blaring and people were running around. I sprinted towards Loki's hall still watching the feed on my tablet. Loki waved at the camera in the corner of the room and jumped out of the hole were his cage used to be. I looked at the man who helped Loki escape and his eyes were that unnatural blue that signified he was under Loki's spell. He escaped. I continued running but I put the tablet away. As I came to the room I pushed open the door. The man inside had his gun aimed at my chest. I jumped out of the way as he fired. I wasn't fast enough. The bullet hit me in my stomach. And I fell to the ground.

Max's POV

When I woke up I was in a different setting. I felt a cold metal pole pressed between my wings. My hands were tied behind me. I looked at myself and I was wearing the same dress as in my dream. Everything was the same. I looked up and just as I suspected Loki walked in. He even stopped and had a sharp intake of breath. I sighed and tried to stand up. It was no use because of how my hands were tied. Loki walked around me and undid the rope. He helped me up and I yanked my arm from his grip.

"What was this for? Why did you bring me here?" I backed away from him as I spoke. He didn't answer me. Instead, he grabbed another rope. He walked towards me and I backed up into the wall. He reached for my wrist but I jumped away from him. He tried to grab me again, I kicked his side but he expected it. He grabbed my foot and made me fall to the ground. He wasted no time in tying my hands together. He pulled me up and I struggled against the ropes. It was no use. He had enchanted them so that they would not come undone.

"Now was that so hard?"

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