Chapter Eleven

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I landed on the top of a donut shop, and almost rolled off. I stood up and looked around me. We were back in New York. Loki appeared next to me. I looked at him and said,

"Did you really mean what you said about me in Asgard? About you being with me?" When he looked in my eyes, I felt something go through me. A warm feeling. He got closer to me. When he pressed his lips against mine, I didn't push him away, I kissed him back. I felt something go through me, like a spark of electricity. It made me feel good. When he pulled back, he leaned his forehead against my own and said,

"Every word of it." Just then I saw Stark tower a few streets away and realized how much I actually missed my friends. I even missed Tonys sarcasm.

"Can I please go see my friends?" I asked Loki. He pushed me away and turned around.

"You mean the Avengers?" He turned back around and looked in my eyes. "Only if you promise to come back to me. I can't lose you Max." He was actually going to let me see them!

"I, Maximum Ride, promise to come back to you, Loki Laufeyson." I said.

"Wait! Max, if you wear this, we will be able to talk telepathically." He handed me a necklace that had a pair of wings on it. I fastened it around my neck, and it started glowing. I tried projecting a thought to him.

'Does it work?' He smiled and thought back,

'It does.' He gestured to the air. I hugged him goodbye and took off.

I flew towards Stark tower. They would probably be there. I landed on the balcony that led into Tony's living room. I was right. I knocked on the door and five pairs of eyes turned towards me. I smiled and waved. Steve rushed over and opened the door. He grabbed me in a hug.

"Max! How did you get here?!" He exclaimed as he let go of me. Every one looked happy to see me. Even Natasha and Clint.

"I can kinda fly." I said sarcastically. "It's good to see you guys." Tony stood up and hugged me as well. While in the hug, my hearing picked up on a bunch of choppers coming closer. I pushed Tony away. "You wouldn't! I thought we were friends!" I was back on SHIELD's radar in a bad way. Crap! I need to get out of here. I ran towards the window and jumped off the balcony. Opening my wings I hovered thinking about where I'd go. I looked around me and there were helicopters with guns pointed at me surrounding me.

'Loki. It's a trap. They've got me surrounded. I need you.' I tried the mental link.

'I can't get to you without revealing myself. I'm sorry. I will come get you though. But, Max? Don't go down with out a fight.' Loki said. Good plan. I sped towards the closest chopper with my super speed and punched the glass. I knocked the pilot and copilot unconscious with two well aimed punches. I grabbed one guys gun and fired at another helicopter. It hit the pilot in his arm. His helicopter went down. I jumped/flew to another helicopter, swinging it into another one. The other ones had started shooting at me. I started flying away, when one guy was actually able to hit me. His bullet hit me in my wing and I was falling.

'Goodbye Loki.' I thought as I hit something, hard. It was Tony. He flew me back up to a helicopter that I hadn't destroyed and someone ejected me with a sedative. It ended up knocking me out. I felt someone pull the bullet out of my wing as darkness consumed me.

I opened my eyes to a white ceiling. I sat up and looked around. I was in a circular glass cage. Loki's cell!

"Really Fury?" I asked. He walked in. "You do know that even if I drop to the ground in this, it won't kill me. You can't kill me. I'm like Thor and Loki. I am a goddess."

'They are keeping me in your cell in the helicarrier. how did you break out before?' I asked mentally. Then I realized that I couldn't feel my necklace on me. Crap.

"I expect you know how this works, Ride?" Fury asked.

"Yes. I do." As he left, Steve walked in. I sighed and sat on the bench on the side of the wall. "You know, I actually thought we were friends Steve. I really did. But apparently, I was wrong." He walked up and put his hand on the glass.

Max, you weren't wrong. I value our...friendship greatly." He sounded almost, sad when he said friendship.

I tried to summon wind around the outside of the cage. It worked, and I used it to push the button that would release my cage. I smirked at Nick as I fell. When I was far enough away from the helicarrier, I steadied the cell and punched the glass. A crack appeared. I punched it again. The crack got bigger. I kept punching the glass, thinking about Loki the whole time.

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