Chapter Nine

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We landed in this dome made of some kind of metal and there was a man in a gold helmet standing there. He was really tall. He wore gold plated armor and held a sword at his side.
"Hello Loki. May I ask, how did you get back?" he said. "Oh, and welcome to Asgard Max." How does he know who I am?
"Hello Heimdall. I have many tricks of my own that not even Odin knows about." He took out a piece of rope and reached for my hands but I pulled away. I jumped away from him and towards Heimdall.
"Please, send me back!" I pleaded. I couldn't stay here. I belong on Earth.
"I can't disobey the prince of Asgard. I'm sorry." He said to me. Loki grabbed my wrists and tied them together. He grabbed the rope and pulled me away.
"Your a prince?!" I asked quietly. This was getting worse and worse.
"Yes." He said with a grimace. He pulled me out of the dome that was called the bifrost, and I stopped, stunned by what I saw. There was a city of gold in front of me with a castle that stretched up into the sky. "Beautiful isn't it." I was standing on a bridge that appeared to be made of rainbows. It stretched into the city. Loki grabbed my arm and suddenly, we were in a gigantic room made of gold, at the end of which a man with gray hair and a white beard sat in a throne. Loki led me down to the end of the room and I stood behind him, while he stood a few feet away from the king.
"To what do I owe this honor Loki?" He said dryly. "And who is your pet?" Loki turned to look at me and the king winked. Huh. "Release her." Loki sighed and undid my ropes.
"Hello Odin. This is Max, and she is not my pet." I started to silently back away from Loki and Odin were engrossed in conversation and I started to run. I had just managed to get out of the doors when Loki turned and yelled,
"Stop her! Guards!" he began to chase after me but I kept running. I came to a courtyard area and there were people sword fighting and battling there. I kept running and I heard Loki yell, "Sif! stop her!" a woman turned and started to chase me, but she had a sword. Three men also followed Sif and they were all chasing me. Inch by inch I was getting further away from them, but I had to get in the air. I burst through a set of doors and I was out of the castle. I ran and jumped in the air, unfurling my wings and flapped as hard as I could. I used my super speed and flew away from the crowd that had gathered were I took off. I hovered for a moment and looked back. They were all breathing hard and it hit me. I had just outrun a god, and a handful of Asgardians. I was in better shape than I thought.

Loki's POV

"Damn!" I shouted. Max had just outrun me, Sif, the warriors three, and a couple guards. She is truly amazing.
"Is she your girlfriend?" Sif asked. I wish. I really like Max. She is the perfect girl. She is strong, fast, and she can fly. "She is perfect for you, you know. She just outran a god, and she has wings. See you around." She left and I watched Max fly up to the highest point on the castle and perched there. I teleported up to were she was.

Max's POV

He appeared in front of me and I scrambled to my feet. I was about to jump off of the tower but he said,
"Wait! I just wanted to tell you that when your ready to come down for bed, you can ask any guard, and they will escort you to where you are staying. Goodnight Max." With that, he vanished. Huh. That guy is so hard to understand. He just left me be. I think I'm going to sleep up here tonight.
"Goodnight Loki." I whispered, and I let sleep overcome me.

Natasha's POV

Thor, Clint, Steve, and I went to Stark tower to take it back from Loki. We entered through the lobby and to the service elevator. So far so good. I held my gun as I stepped inside and everyone else followed. We rode up to the top floor and stepped out of the elevator with our weapons raised. I held my gun down as I surveyed the scene in front of me. There were unconscious people everywhere. There was however one man that was not out cold. I looked at his eyes and they weren't the alarming blue that meant that they were being controlled by Loki.
"Where is Loki?" I asked him.
"Loki isn't in this realm anymore." He answered. Asgard!
"Where is Max?" I asked him.
"The winged one? He took her." He said nonchalantly. Then he to fell unconscious. The others were looking around for possible threats.
"Guys!" They all turned towards me. "Loki took Max to Asgard."

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