Chapter Two

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Max's POV

Director Fury had four men with guns escort me to an interrogation room. He sat at one end of a long table and I sat, handcuffed, at the other.
"What's your name?" Fury asked as he wrote things down on a clipboard.
"Max." I told him.
"How old are you?"
"Twenty two."
"Where are you from?"
"I don't see why you need to know this information." I was getting annoyed.
"I need to know this information so that I can figure out who you really are." He said.
"Who I really am? I really am a genetic freak who can fly. I'm really strong, really fast, and really bored with this."

Fury pushed me into a room that had a kitchen area and a couple tables. The Avengers were all in here. They looked confused and a little worried. Everyone was in casual clothes. Even Thor. I don't blame them. I could injure them all before mjolnir could break through the wall.
"Everyone, I'd like you to meet the newest addition to the Avengers. This is Maximum Ride." Tony chocked on his eggs and Bruce spit out his drink. Thor dropped his plate of cookies. I grinned mischievously and shook Fury off.
"Well hello again." I said. And wiggled my fingers
"Play nicely kids." Fury said sarcastically. "And feed her." he left and shut the door.
"Um hi." Tony said. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed what I could.
"Your going to eat all of that?" Tony asked skeptically.
"Watch me." I said as I started eating. "So you guys are super powered freaks? I know you turn big and green." I said as I pointed at Bruce. "But the rest of you will have to explain."
"You first." Tony said. Taking another bite, I stood up I unfurled my wings and swallowed. They gasped.
"Are they real?" Bruce asked in awe. In answer I gently whacked him in the face, tickling him with my feathers. Then I brought them back in and said,
"I can also beat the crap out of most people so, yeah." I sat back down. And gestured at Tony.
"I'm a genius who can build a suit of armor in a cave under the watchful eyes of idiots with guns." He said with a smirk. "Thor?" the gigantic man with the hammer was sitting down with his food by now.
"I am Thor, heir to the Asgardian throne, God of thunder." Thor said. Gosh, what a mouthful. "Captain?"
"I was given the super soldier serum. I wear a spangly outfit and carry a shield." Steve said simply.
"So who are your two friends that I sent to the hospital wing?" Just then the man and woman who had also been in the fight walked, or limped in to the room. The man had bandages peeking out from under his shirt. The woman had a black eye, and several scratches, scrapes and bruises.
"What the hell?!" The woman pulled out two guns and aimed at me. I put my hands up in mock surrender. "Who are you? Aren't you the one that we were sent to capture?" she was pissed. Apparently she doesn't take to kindly to being slammed down on a car and knocked unconscious.
"Maximum Ride, Avenger." I did a mock bow. "At your service." I sat down again. The man and woman were stunned. "Now will you please put down the guns and tell me who you are?" I asked cockily.
"I'm Natasha Romanov, or the Black Widow." She said while holstering her guns. "And this is Clint Barton, or Hawkeye." Clint nodded at this.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you."

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