𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷

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|author's pov|

In ancient times, and in history books people who's eyes would change color based on emotion would be called unique. In the 1800's people were indeed jealous of people with unique eyes, so they're only way to prevent them from getting attention was by killing them.

Sadly, many lives were lost due the jealously other people had. Though, they found peace in the early 1900's. Where people finally found interest in them. They thought that people with colored eyes would help understand what they were feeling such like if someone was being honest or lying. Colored eye people were rare though..only about 1,000 people have it around the world. That's very little compared to the number who live in this world.

This isn't all of it yet, if a person has colored eyes and falls in love with someone and that someone also falls in love the colored one. That same colored person would pass it on to their loved one.Then it will begin running in the family.

People with colored eyes basically made history..


"Colored people were known as enemies to many. They were jealous that they were receiving attention unlike them. Though in the early 1900's they found peace. In 1970's, the scientists confirmed the list in which was color belongs to the emotion." The teacher read a page from the history book then closed the book and placed it on his desk.

"People like Park Jisung wouldn't be here, thanks  to the people who had the right mind to not kill the special ones." The teacher said Jisung's name for the millionth time through out this period which made Jisung quietly sigh in annoyance.

Jisung was tired. He was tired of girls chasing after him so their babies could have colored eyes like himself . Jisung was tired of being called the special one when the only difference was his eyes.
It bothered him so much, he only wanted true love and treat him a like real person like he is, instead of prince.

"What do you think about this Jisung ?" The teacher asked.

Jisung stopped writing down the notes and lifted his head to the history teacher.

"Um.." Jisung looked around to see the girls either whispering at each other or just smiling at him.

"I think, that people should of not chosen violence. Colored people are only humans like them so I don't see a point of killing people like me. I must say I do not respect their actions." Jisung looked around once again but then laid his eyes on this small male who was looking out of the classroom's window.

"Very well answer Mr.Park, now make sure to study everything as we have a 20 question quiz over what we have talked about. I expect you study as much as you can to pass this class."

"Class dismissed." The teacher said as the bell rang.Meanwhile Jisung's focus was only on the male. He had a feeling about him. The male began looking around the class room making Jisung clear his throat and start gathering his belongings. Placing them in his backpack.

Jisung then grabbed his backpack and held it as he was about to walk out the classroom.


Jisung heard a scream then felt a small body crash into his making him fall into the ground. Jisung closed his eyes then slowly opened them when he landed on the ground. Once he got a clear view, he saw the boy he was staring at covering his mouth with his hand.

He figured that the scream accidentally slipped out of his mouth. It wasn't a manly scream at all, it was a cute scream in Jisung's ears.

"H-Hey are you okay?" Jisung went on his knees and helped the smaller one gather his belongings which was all over around them.

"I-I'm fine, no need to ask.." The smaller said softly as he was too busy trying to get his things together so he wouldn't be late for the next class.

"Are you sure? You crashed into me pretty hard. I can take you to the nurse if you want—" Jisung had a books layered on top of each other and gave them to the smaller then his sentence was cut off.

"Again I'm fine." He said this time a bit more colder tone. The smaller looked into Jisung's eyes then looked down and grabbed the books out of Jisung's hands.

"Thanks." Chenle picked up his things then stood up to exit the classroom. Leaving Jisung still in the ground.

"The way he stared at me in the eyes as if I was just another ordinary Person..." Jisung thought.

"Jisung !" His thoughts were cut off as he saw a female student right in front him. Jisung sighed then stood up from the floor and dusted off the dust from his pants.

"Do you mind if you can help me study for the quiz...?" The female student bit her bottom lip trying to look convincing.

"Just because I have colored eyes doesn't mean I know everything that happened to the colored people in the past." Jisung's eyes turned red, showing that he was pissed. He continued to walk out of the classroom then walk to his next class.

"That boy.."
Jisung thought as he was walking through the packed hallway filled with students talking to each other or transferring classes.

"Jisung-ah!~" Jisung felt Mark's arm wrap around his shoulder and walk beside him.

"Doing anything during lunch?" Mark asked in curiosity.

"Yes, I need to study for a history quiz..and I thought of spending time alone. You know, to recharge?" Jisung responded to Mark which made Mark understand.

"Okay~ Well I'll see you after lunch, hm?"

Jisung nodded his head then stopped as he already arrived for his period.

[a/n: dang I'm kinda excited but kinda nervous if this fan fiction will turn out bad :/ I will try my best though!Hope you enjoyed this first part.

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