𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟼

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|author's pov|

"C'mon! Hurry up!" Jisung complained as he walked up the long stairs.

"I'm coming! Quit complaining." Chenle made it where Jisung stopped which was right by a door.

"Where does this lead to ?" Chenle looked up at Jisung's peach colored eyes then Jisung put his hand on the door knob.

"Want to see?"

"Yes I want to see! I came up all of these stairs to see this!-"


Jisung opened the door revealing a the school's rooftop and the beautiful night sky that was beaming bright.

Chenle slowly walked up the small steps then walked on the rooftop. He smiled then ran to the railings. It was surprisingly a beautiful view especially when it came from a school.

"It's so pretty!" Chenle yelled out to Jisung meanwhile Jisung shut the rooftop behind him and went over to the railings to stand next to him.

"You like it?" Jisung asked and felt a fresh breeze hit his warm body.

"I love it." Chenle giggled and happily sighed at what he was seeing.

"The people look like ants! The cars even like toy cars~" Chenle pointed out and laughed.

Jisung watched at the smaller who was smiling brightly. They were in the dark but that smile was full of light.


"Yeah?" Chenle turned his head to see Jisung smiling then tap him on the shoulder unexpectedly.

"Tag your it." Jisung ran away from Chenle as fast as he heard Chenle yell at him from a distance.

"Yah! Come back here!" Chenle chased after Jisung around the rooftop only to hear loud laughing and running footsteps.

"You cant catch me!" Jisung yelled, then slowed down after getting tired.

"You just lied! Ha!" Chenle yelled out as well before back hugging Jisung, preventing him from running away.

"Caught you~"

Jisung smacked his lips and playfully acted like a child.

"Aish, big baby!" Chenle let go of Jisung then walked away to sit down on the concrete, just breathing out loud.

"I really needed this." Chenle said looking at the night sky.

"You're lucky you're the first one I brought up here." Jisung walked to Chenle and sat down next to him.

"Out of all the people, why me?"

Jisung sighed and didn't know how to give a formal explanation.

"I-I don't know, it's just I thought you will need it to not think about reality. You know, to take some time and recharge."

"Recharge?" Chenle asked not being familiar with the word.

"Mhm! Recharge. That's what I like to call it. When I run out of battery from motivation, I like to do lots of calming things either by myself or with someone close so I can be motivated." He explained what he meant, making Chenle nod finally understanding him.

"It's weird."

"What's weird?" Chenle asked once again.

"I never seen you at this school and I know most people here at this school. Well knew them since middle school but just not you.." Jisung said not being exactly familiar with Chenle.

"I'm not from here. I'm from China actually.." Chenle said making more sense to Jisung.

"You're Korean is so good though! How?"

"It's called Studying hard, duh." Chenle laughed at Jisung's question then sighed.

"I like Korea more than China.."

"How come?"

"It was restart for me, after my parents divorcing it was hard. Me and my mom came to live here, to begin fresh. Plus, my school life wasn't the best." Chenle played his fingers and felt like all of these events happened yesterday.

"How was you're school life in China?"

"It was okay, I had fun with my old friends. I dated a boy who had colored eyes and was betrayed from my ex best friend and boyfriend ." Chenle did a small fake smile trying to hold back in anger.

"Wouldn't you have colored eyes like me right now though ?"

"You see, he was too scared to reject me and don't like me in the first place. He liked my best friend and things ended horribly. I remember the time my best friend begged me to stay. I never did.Renjun was always there for me, I'm glad he's been with me the whole journey." Chenle softly laughed..

Jisung felt terrible and wrapped his arm around Chenle to pull him into a warm comforting hug.

"I'm scared to fall in love again.."
Chenle softly said.

"But what about you Jisung? Do you like Korea?"

"I do..sometimes society here isn't really fun. Korea is very strict with manners, grades, and beauty standards. It's hard for me to fall in love, it's always girls who just want to have my babies so they can show off that the baby has colored eyes." Jisung frowned then looked at Chenle who was looking up to him. Showing that he was listening.

"I'm sure you had a good life—"

"Oh you're wrong on that." Jisung interrupted.

"I try my best to keep strong for my mom. She didn't live the young adult life because my mom got pregnant with me. She got pregnant by forced sex from my dad. My dad said told my mom to abort me, she refused. Then he got pissed..he's was a alcoholic and we couldn't have a day without arguments or abuse."

"That's why I'm such a scaredy-cat like you told me yesterday." Jisung watched Chenle's frown and felt Chenle's arms wrap around him then held him tightly.

"I-I'm sorry!"

"I didn't know, next time I'll watch my words." Chenle apologized making Jisung softly laugh as his cute apology.

"Don't worry, you didn't even knew you it's not your fault." Jisung held Chenle tighter and enjoyed the bright clear stars with Chenle.

"Thank you for listening by the way.."

"It's no problem, It makes me feel more safe around you."
Chenle said then snuggled into Jisung's chest earning Jisung a small smile.

[a/n: this one didn't come out as I planned ☹️ ]

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