Chapter three

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Andy's Point of View

I gulped. I didn't know how to approach this. Sarcasm? Fear? Pleading? Either way, I was going to get a beating. I decided to go with sarcasm.

"Hey beautiful, missed you too!" I replied calmly. Well, hoping it was calm. Inside, I was shaking with fear.

I turned around and noticed a flash of disgust in his eyes. He recovered quickly.

"Fucking fag." He whispered to his friends. They chuckled. He turned back to me and I tried my hardest to wipe my face clean of any and all facial expression.

He opened his mouth to reply, but I interrupted him before he could finish. 

"I was maybe thinking we should hang out after school. You know, like we always do." I smirked, winking. I know I had gone too far from the look on his face, but you know what? Fuck it. I was going to get a beating one way or another, might as well have a little fun. Watching his face go from cruel to shocked and horrified was very, very fun. Listening to him fumble over his words was the cherry on top.

"Yo-w-what? Y-you, I... We-we've... YOU FUCKING BASTARD." He screamed, spit flying from his lips. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me close to him, breathing heavily. The rational part of my brain told me to shut up, that'd I'd only make things worse, but I ignored it. I smiled lightly.

"Aweh," I mockingly whispered. "Want a kiss?"

That's when I felt his fist connect with my jaw. "Fucking hell," I murmured. I clenched my eyes shut, preparing for the next hit when I heard the sound of boots against the school floor and the sound of metal chains. I opened my eyes hopefully, thinking that someone was coming to my rescue. There were only a certain number of kids who wear cowboy boots and chains; my friends and -

"Don't get your hopes up, freak." Justin chuckled. "Hey Purdy! Get your ass over here. Look who decided to join us for lunch today!" 

Fucking hell.

Ashley's Point of View

After I finished up in the bathroom, I pulled up my pants, buckled the belt, and zipped up the zipper. I felt incredibly better, it was just the type of release I needed. I unlocked the stall and went to the mirror to fix my hair and wash my hands.

After fixing my hair and reapplying some eyeliner, I pushed open the bathroom door and began to walk to my locker. I walked slowly, thoroughly enjoying the sound of my boots against the school floor. I actually really liked the clinking sound they made with every step, as gay as that made me sound.

I turned a corner and noticed Justin and my other friends huddled around a locker. 

"Oh great." I thought to myself. I saw Justin look over in my direction and turn back to the tall boy who's shirt he had held in a death lock, a smirk playing on the football captian's face. He said something quietly to the boy, making the boy look down in response. "Hey Purdy! Get your ass over here. Look who decided to join us for lunch today!" Justin called over his shoulder.

I sighed and walked up to them. I turned to Justin, smiled, then looked at the boy leaning against the locker, taking in his appearance. He was tall, really tall, and had thick black hair that fell down to his shoulders. It was straightened and teased lightly at the top. I immediately recognised him; it was that boy that sat at the back of my English class. Andy, I think his name was. 

"-Ould we do to him?" Justin asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"What?" I replied, never taking my eyes off of Andy, who was still staring intently down at his boots.

"What should we do to him?" Justin asked again, a slight smile playing at the corner of his lips.

"Nothing," I replied, yawning slightly, ignoring the surprised looks I was getting. Andy looked up in shock, his shockingly blue eyes boring into mine as I looked back at him. I never noticed how blue they were, he was always looking down.

"What?" Asked Justin, quickly recovering.

"Guys, it's so lame picking on the exact same person all the fucking time. There are plenty of more losers roaming around this school that deserve a beating and you always choose this kid?" I replied, looking at Justin with another yawn, as if to prove a point. 

"But," Justin started, but I cut in. 

"Look, do what you want, but honestly I want no part in this. I'm bored as hell already and I've only been here two minutes." I started to walk away, seriously confused by my actions.

Why the fuck was I defending Andy? I don't know him, and what happens to him doesn't affect me at all. So why did it bother me so much thinking about seeing him with bruises all over his pale, smooth face? What was happening to me?

Andy's Point Of View

What. The. Fuck. 

No, seriously, what? WHAT? My brain couldn't process this. Ashley Purdy, THE Ashley Purdy, just defended me. Well, kind of. Not really defended in a sense, but still. What.

Justin was still recovering from shock as well. His hold on my shirt loosened slightly and I pulled myself out of his grip. 

"Well guys. That was fun, but the bell is about to ring, so I gotta go!" I said cheerfully. What the fuck was I doing?

"Oh no." Justin said, grabbing my shirt once again. Fuck man, this was really going to ruin this shirt.

"Don't think you can get out of this that easily." He continued before punching me once in the face and once in the stomach, hard enough to make me double over.  Once I was on the floor, he kicked me hard once and ran to catch up with Ashley, his friends following, each kicking me once. Mutters of "fag", "loser" and "emo" filled my ears as they walked past in disgust.

"Ouch." I muttered, still slouched against my locker. Yes, I did deserve it this time I guess, but I knew it was coming whether or not I was asking for it by being a sarcastic ass. I got to my feet painfully, still holding my stomach and ribs. I knew they were going to be bruised, and I knew my nose was slowly dripping blood, and I knew that it hurt like hell, but I couldn't really feel it. I was still numb from what Ashley did. Ashley Purdy, the biggest man whore in the whole entire school, basically defended me. Basically told his loser friends in a round-about way that it was pathetic to pick on people. 

Maybe Ashley Purdy wasn't one of the jocks after all. Maybe deep down, extremely deep down, he was one of us. One of the Outcasts. 


Hey guys! Chapter three finally! Haha. Actually, I don't think it's been that long. Whatever.

As always: Comment! I can't become a better writer if I don't get comments, negative OR positive comments will help me a lot!  Hope you enjoyed! Chapter four should be our relatively soon! Cheers!  

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