Chapter seven

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 Andy's point of view

To say the guys and Sandra didn't like the fact that Ashley would be coming with us to the movies is an understatement. They were beyond pissed. I swear that Jinxx was about to punch me in the face for inviting him before CC stepped in and explained the situation. After telling them about how Ashley defended me at lunch, showing them the text messages, and, to my annoyance, how it seems like he has a massive crush on me, they calmed down. Well, everyone but Sandra, but she was just overprotective and worried, as was I, that Ashley was up to something with Justin.

"That's all fine or whatever," She said after CC had stopped talking, "But what if Ashley and Justin are planning something? What if Justin is having Ashley use his "Outcast" appearance to get close to us to try and hurt Andy?"

"I don't think so Sandra," CC replied calmly. "It honestly looks like Ashley may have somewhat of a crush on A-"

 "That could be part of the plan! Everyone knows that Andy is bisexual... So maybe they're using that to their advantage!"

I sighed, listening to Sandra and CC fight. It had gotten warmer over the course of the day, and as I was driving my friends and I back to my house to hang out before going to the theatre, I wished that I could roll up my sleeves on my shirt. But I knew I couldn't, not with all the scars and fresh cuts littering my wrists and arms...

"Dude, where the fuck are you going?" Jake laughed, giving me a bit of a shove to break me from my thoughts. I looked up at my friends, a little bit confused and realised I was so deep in my own little world that I almost drove past my own house.

"Oh," I said with a laugh as I backed up a little bit before pulling into the driveway. "Sorry guys, I was lost in my thoughts."

I killed the engine, grabbed my backpack from the backseat, and started towards the front door. "Ooooooh, were you thinking about Ashleeey?" CC sang as Jake made kissing sounds in the background.

"No!" I said loudly, feeling the heat rise up in my face. Fucking hell.

"Then why are you blushing?" Jake said innocently as CC snickered.

I shrugged in response as I unlocked the door and walked in.

Why did I blush? I asked myself as I sat on the boot box to pull off my boots. I wasn't thinking about Ashley, but hearing his name mentioned in that fashion made me feel, odd and slightly embarrassed. I had never experienced that feeling before except for when I started crushing on Scout...

Oh God. Oh fuck. Oh please no.

"Uh, I'll be right back. I gotta use the bathroom." I shouted to my friends as I made my way upstairs to my bathroom, not paying any attention to their looks of confusion.

"No, no, nononono." I moaned to myself after I plopped myself down on the toilet seat, head in my hands. My brain kept saying that over and over again, while my heart said otherwise.

"Yes... Yes..." It seemed to whisper. A tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek. No, please God don't let me like Ashley fucking Purdy.

It was no hope.  

I couldn't stop thinking about his raven black hair that fell to his shoulders. 

Stop it Andy. 

His tight black skinny jeans that hugged his legs perfectly. 

Andy. Stop. 

His smile. 


His laugh. 


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