Chapter Sixteen

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Ashley's Point of View

I watched Andy nearly run away from our table and out of the courtyard. I watched him with a confused look on my face.  I turned towards the guys and Sandra.

"Uh, what just happened?" I asked.

"Dunno." CC said. His mouth was full of food, but somehow he still managed to mirror my confused expression.  I looked at Jake and Sandra, and they both shrugged. I looked at Jinxx, hoping that he would have the answer, but he refused to meet my eyes.

"Jinxx?" I asked slowly. "Did I do something wrong?"

Jinxx shrugged. "He..." He started, but then trailed off frowning.

"Uh, should I go talk to him?" I asked when Jinxx remained silent. 

"No." Jinxx said coldly, suddenly standing up. He looked at me with accusing eyes. "Honestly Ashley, you've done enough damage already. I'll go talk to him." And with one last cold look, he stalked off.

What the fuck?

I looked back at CC, Jake, and Sandra who were looking between Jinxx's retreating figure and me. 

"Uh... did I miss something?" He asked me. I shook my head, dumbstruck.

"Apparently we all did." I replied softly.

Andy's Point of View

"He thinks I'm pathetic." I sobbed to Jinxx.

Five minutes ago, Jinxx had knocked harshly on the stall door, begging for me to open the door. 

"Andy, please open the door." He had begged me. I had sniffed loudly and crawled over to the door, reaching up to unlock it before retreating back to leaning against the wall. 

"Hi Jinxxy." I had said sadly, wiping my nose on the sleeve of my shirt.

"Oh thank fuck." He had muttered, dropping to his knees in front of me. "I thought you were cutting."

Now, he was sitting beside me on the cold, tiled floor, one arm wrapped around my shoulders as I cried heavily into his chest.

"He doesn't..." Jinxx said, trailing off. His voice sounded doubtful, and I knew he was only saying that to try and make me feel better. It wasn't working.

"Yes he does!" I cried while a new wave of tears poured down my face, soaking Jinxx's shirt. "He said that people who self harm are pathetic and are only doing it for attention!"

"Well he's wrong." Jinxx said between clenched teeth. His anger towards Ashley suddenly made me mad. I pulled away from his friendly embrace and looked at him.

"Well of course he's fucking wrong! I know I'm not an attention seeker, but the fact that we know he's wrong doesn't fucking solve anything." I nearly shouted. 

"Andy, calm down." Jinxx said evenly, not even a little bit shocked at my random and seemingly sudden outburst. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the fact that just because we know he's wrong doesn't mean he realises he's wrong. We know I'm not slicing my skin open for attention, that's great. But so fucking what?" I replied, blatantly refusing to calm down. "Ash still thinks that everyone who cuts is an attention seeking idiot. How the fuck am I ever supposed to tell him that I self harm Jinxx? He won’t understand. He'll just leave me and fucking hate me." 

Jinxx sat in silence, looking down to his boots thoughtfully. I took a deep breath, and let it out in a loud sigh. 

"He's supposed to be my boyfriend, Jinxxy. He says he cares a lot about me. So how come he can't see that I'm slowly falling apart?" I whispered.

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