Chapter eleven

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Sandra's point of view

My 6:25am phone alarm would have woken me up if I was actually asleep. At around 5:30am I woke with a massive headache from crying and since then I hadn't been able to go back to sleep. So I had lay awake staring at the ceiling listening to music on my iPod when the alarm went off.  I sighed and pulled my headphones out. The silence would have been deafening if it wasn't for that stupid alarm. I heaved myself out of bed and walked over to the corner where my phone lay. I bent down to pick it up, turned off the fucking alarm, and started to inspect my phone for damages from when I threw it last night. Only a slight crack on the screen, which was no big deal. I was actually expecting it to be worse from how hard I threw it, so the fact that it was barely cracked lifted my mood, until I remembered why I threw it.

Andy was mad at me. He had basically told me I was a shitty friend... Which maybe I was. I mean, I wasn't happy for him and Ashley when I know I should be. They weren't even together technically, but the way Andy's face had lit up around Ashley was pretty cute. Beyond cute actually, but it was the fact that Ashley was the reason Andy was so happy that irked me.  I have been in love with the kid for over a year now, so it's kind of hard to be happy that another person was the reason Andy was so happy. Especially when that person was Ashley Purdy.

Another thing that pissed me right off was the fact that out of the blue, Ashley decided he wanted to change and that he liked Andy. Right out of the fucking blue. Up until then, he had been walking around like he owned the place, looking down at every single person. He had seemed to love nothing more than his own reputation as a man whore, but now suddenly he wanted to be friends with us? It wasn't fair. I knew I was being selfish, but it really wasn't fair. He had chosen the exact day that Andy had told us that Scout broke up with him that Ashley decided all this. I had been somewhat stupidly happy to hear that Scout had broken up with Andy because that meant I could have had a chance with him. I was going to be his support system, his best friend, his shoulder to cry on until he moved on from Scout... And realised that he loved me back. But Purdy boy had snatched that away. 

I sighed again and reached towards the light switch, flicking on the light. The yellowish light flooded the room and made my head pound. This was going to be a fucking fantastic day. 

I stood in front of the mirror, desperately trying to put on eyeliner, but whenever I put on a layer my tears would smudge it. Angrily, I wiped the stupid tears away and tried again. It was no use, the tears kept coming. At this point I didn't even know why I was crying anymore, I just knew that I was and it was a bitch. I sighed and started working on my hair, figuring that maybe the tears would stop in that time so that I could finish my makeup. By concentrating on straightening my dark hair perfectly, my tears had finally stopped. I layered my brown eyes with a thin layer of liquid eyeliner and put on my sunglasses. To be honest, I don't even know why I put on eyeliner at all if I was just going to cover my eyes with sunglasses, but I did every single morning. 

Finally, I was finished with twenty minutes to get to school. I grabbed my backpack that was sitting on the floor at the end of my bed and started down the stairs. 

"Morning hunny." My mum said from the kitchen table, slowly sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Morning." I replied, sounding more harsh than I intended. Mum decided to ignore my tone. 

"Sleep well?" She asked as I poured myself a cup of coffee into a to-go mug. I sighed as I walked over to the fridge to grab some milk.

"No, not really." I replied a little more nicely this time. "I have such a bad headache and it wouldn't let me sleep properly. 

"Aweh sweetie," Mum replied, getting up from her seat and walking over to the cupboard above the fridge where we kept out first aid kit and medicine. I poured a little bit of milk into my coffee and added a teaspoon of sugar while she searched for whatever she was looking for. I was putting the lid on the cup when she handed me two pills and a glass of water.

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