Chapter Thirty

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Andy’s Point of View

After an hour-long lunch at the pizza restaurant near my house we went to a cute greenspace across the street to hangout for a bit while deciding what movie we’d go to.  I pulled out my cigarette package from my jacket pocket, ignoring the conversation Jinxx, Jake and Ashley were having while I lit a smoke.  After a small argument, they finally decided on the movie.  I breathed in the smoke and looked at my friends.  Of course Ashley, Jake and Jinxx were excited for the movie since they were the ones who picked it, but CC seemed excited too.  Which wasn’t surprising if I was being completely honest: CC was always excited.  I glanced at Sandra, who seemed pretty much indifferent towards the whole thing, and sighed.  I was the only one who wasn’t happy about the choice in the movie.

I had looked up the reviews on the movie when I had seen the trailer and although I loved horror movies, I hated extremely gory films and that’s exactly what this movie was: a complete fucking bloodbath.  But I forced a smile onto my face, forcing myself to seem excited when Jinxx looked in my direction.  I had to agree to see the film because I knew how badly Ashley wanted to see it since he had mentioned it during our drunken after-sex talk, and I just wanted him to be happy.  I guess it helped that Jinxx wanted to see it too.  In fact, I think Jinxx had mentioned wanting to see the movie once too… I think.


“Wow.”  CC muttered as we walked into the theatre, which was packed.  The lineup to get tickets was at least 75 people long and growing.  I sighed.

“Don’t people have anything better to do on a Sunday?”  Ashley whispered to Jinxx and myself.  I chuckled at the irony.

“What time is the movie at?”  I asked. 

“4:30.”  Sandra replied, looking around her with a look of disgust on her face.  She hated crowed areas.

I looked at my watch.  “So in about ten minutes.”

CC groaned.  “We’ll never make it.”

“We can just go to a later show.”  I suggested.  “Like the 7:45 one?”

“What will we do for three hours?”  Jake asked.

“Uh, I don’t know.  Walk around the mall?  I need to pick up something for my grandma’s birthday anyway.”  I replied, shrugging.  “I’ll wait in line for tickets and meet up with you guys later.”

“I’ll wait in line with you.”  Ashley said.  He turned to the others, grinning like an idiot.  “Give me your money.”

CC and Jake handed us twenties while Sandra fished around in her bag for a five, a ten, and a bunch of change.  I refused to take any money from Jinxx though.

“No.”  I said firmly, gently slapping away the twenty he was trying to shove in my hand.  “Dude, you bought me lunch, so I’m buying your ticket.”

“Fine.”  He said, shoving the money into his jean’s pocket before leaning over and kissing me softly on the mouth.  “See you soon baby.”

“Okay.”  I whispered, smiling slightly.  “I love you.”

“I love you too.”  He replied, kissing me once more before walking away with Sandra, Jake, and CC. 

I stared after them for a few moments before Ashley brought me back with an awkward cough.

I smiled apologetically at him.  “Shall we get in line then?” 

He returned my smile.  “Sure.”


The silence between Ashley and myself was torturous.  The last time we were alone together we were drunk and fucking each other.  I looked down at the thought, feeling the heat rising to my cheeks.  Ashley was clearly thinking the same thing as he was looking everywhere except for at me.  I shuffled my feet and began picking at my fingers; desperately wishing I was wearing nail polish so I could actually have something to pick at.   I cleared my throat. 

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