The dancing dragon 2

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I blushed as I heard a horn then banging inside the caves and whispered what's happening? I blushed and gasped as two dragons flew out of the caves and began circling around us. I blushed as I realized something. I blushed and said Zuko I think we're supposed to be doing the dragon dance with them. What about this situation makes you think they want us to dance? I blushed and said I don't know but I have a really good feeling something I can't explain but every time I get it and listen good things happen. I blushed as he nodded and said okay I trust you. I blushed and smiled as we preformed the dancing dragon and blushed as I bowed and did the traditional sign of respect for a superior and smiled as the dragons roared encircling us with they're fire. I blushed and bowing said thank you great masters for sharing your wisdom grant me just one final vision how May I right my wrongs and fix what was done to the dragons. I blushed and settled as the red dragon leaned forward and allowed his whiskers to touch my head and shared his vision of a clutch of dragon eggs in his cave and said dragons will rise again but you young avatar must do everything In your power to stop the fire lord and save the world once you have succeeded return with my blessing and we will aid you in rebuilding not only dragon kind but also the great loss you have suffered together we will make this world better than ever before. I blushed and said thank you for your wisdom great master if I might share a bit of my pain in return for a share of yours would you be able to help me realize what has happened to my avatar spirit back in Ba sing se he smiled and said it was not destroyed if you fear it it simply was crippled and blocked with proper spiritual guidance I believe it will thrive once more I suggest you seek out my father he was bonded with Avatar Roku after all.  I blushed and said your related to avatar Rokus spirit guide? He nodded and said now off with you I'm hungry and my eggs need tending. I blushed and smiled as I said in gratitude for your help take this I blushed and held up a steak I borrowed from Sokka. He smiled and said and with happiness I accept provided you give Half to my mate. I nodded and cut the steak evenly and bow handing half to Ran and half  to Shaw and said I swear on my life I will avenge the short comings your people have suffered and I will return to guide you all out of hiding. I blushed and turned around and said come Zuko we're leaving. I blushed and left down the stairs and bow to the chief thank you for your help and hospitality I have spoken with the masters and they have bid me return upon ending the war. I blushed and smiled as I sliced my palm and allowed the blood to drip to the ground and said let this blood forever be a symbol of my commitment to return balance and peace to this world and all who inhabit it and may I forever bind my love to the masters Ran and Shaw and all their children and their children's children till the ending of the earth.  I blushed and smiled as I walked out of the village and to a big clearing and pulled out my Bison whistle and blew into it calling Appa. I smiled and said hey Appa! I smiled and hugged his head and smiled as he licked my face and growled seeing the blood dripping from my hand. I smiled and said it's okay boy Katara will have me fixed up no problem. He growled and nudged me. I smiled and said climb up Zuko. I smiled and air bent my self onto the top of his head and said Appa yip yip. I smiled as he took off and blushed as I hear Avatar wait please! I blushed and said Appa we gotta help. He roared and landed. I smiled and said What seems to be the trouble? I blushed as a young boy stumbled out and said please help me my village is under attack. I blushed and said oh no climb on we'll get there faster flying.  I blushed as he climbed up and said Appa yip yip.  I blushed as he roared and took off flying towards the village from where the boy had come. I blushed and landed and said wait here  Zuko go back and get Katara and the others! I blushed as momo landed on my shoulder I smiled and said actually never mind momo here take this too Katara and hurry boy. I blushed as he nodded and flew off. I blushed and said to the boy take me to who Evers in charge of your Village. He blushed and nodded this way. I blushed and followed him and smiled as he called papa papa the avatar is here to help! I blushed as the boys father turned around and said greetings avatar Aang I am most grateful you have come. I blushed and smiled it's the avatars duty to protect the world from attacks what seems to be the issue. I blushed and smiled as he said there's a large group of fire bender soldiers in the woods east of here preparing an assault. I nodded and said okay get everyone inside i need any strong fighters you got to help. I blushed as I heard Aang! I smiled and turned around Katara thank goodness. I need a quick healing then we need to prepare for a massive invasion this small village as asked for my help. She smiled and said okay but healing? I blushed and held up my injured palm. She chuckled and healed my hand and said so let me guess no fire bending wisdom? I chuckled and winked at zuko and said nope but I can fire bend. I smiled and jumped as Appa roared pushing me to the ground taking a arrow straight into the forehead. I blushed and said Appa!!! I blushed and growled as I said who shot my bison!  I blushed as the avatar spirit burst free and I began to rise bending all four elements show yourselves cowards face you fate with dignity ! I roared as the Yuyan Archers swarm into the village. I growled and killed them all then went deep into the woods and said You fire scum are not welcome leave now or face the ultimate price. I smiled as they ran away scattering in all directions. I blushed and said and never return. I blushed and landed rushing back to Appa and collapsing kneeling crying as he blushed and licked my forehead and smiled as I saw a vision of Avatar Roku who said meet me on Emerald Island  we have much to discuss your bison is well. I blushed and said oh no Katara we have to go now Emerald island is in danger. I blushed and said sir the soldiers scattered if they return send word any way you can. I blushed and said Appa you okay buddy? He roared and licked me then turned around so I could climb up his back. I smiled and climbed into the saddle and said Appa yip yip back to emerald island!

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