Zuko'sinful pleasure 2

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I smirked and spank Aang and said first one to Appa has to clean him. He chuckled and said oh come on you seriously think you got a chance? I smirked and said no but I was thinking in order to make it up to him I'd help you clean him. Aang chuckled and said if you want to wash Appa that's fine but I won't race you. I blushed and said okay fine but here's a little something just for you. I smirked and nipped his ears gripping his waist while rubbing his crotch. He blushed and whimpers Zuko your uncle I chuckled and said he left. He blushed and said when I chuckled and said right after I was patched up. He blushed and said so what now? I smiled and said I could ram you. He blushed and said so let me get this straight your offering to help me with Appa and have sex? I smiled and whispered yep. I smiled as he blushed and said no way I'm passing this up Appa likes baths and I like you so win win. I blushed and rolled my eyes and said run I want to see if I can catch you while you're running. He blushed and said what why? I smiled and whispered seductively I love the thrill of the hunt. He blushed and said oh really? I smiled and said yep. Well then see ya. I blushed as he took off running and smiled as I saw Katara looking after him. I chuckled and ran after him using everything I learned from hunting him for so long. I blushed and smiled as I heard Katara yelling at me. I smiled and started gaining and smiled as I climbed up the walls of ba sing se and smiled as I jumped and landed right behind him and grabbed him by the waist and said your mine avatar kissing him. He blushed and panting said so what's the point of this chase? I chuckled and gently slammed him against the wall and smiled as I acted like I was going to strike him and smiled as he blushed and looked frightened and smiled as I heard Zuko stop! I smiled and slammed my lips against his causing Katara and sokka to blush and say what in the world! I chuckled as Aang blushed and pulled me into a deeper kiss and whispered Zuko please don't stop. I blushed as I realized I was unintentionally rubbing against his crotch. I smiled as I began teasing him and whispered stop what this rubbing my leg against him he blushed and whimpers yes. I smiled as I gently licked his neck gently sucking on it. He blushed and moans as I felt a water whip hit the side of my head. I blushed and turned around and said do that again and you'll see just how dangerous I can be. She blushed and said about time you quit snogging. I chuckled and said if there's something you wish to say don't be shy. I smiled as she blushed and said well there is actually but not to you. I blushed as I realized what was going to happen and jumped in between her and Aang and said you hurt him and I will end you getting into a fighting stance. She laughed and said you can try zuko but you'll never get the chance. I blushed as she strikes me. I blushed and grunt as I got the wind knocked out of my lungs and slowly started to fall. I blushed as Aang became angry and grabbed me setting me down. I blushed and smiled as he kissed me. I smiled as Katara walked up only to be captured in earth. I blushed and said Katara what's gotten into you. She blushed and said none of your business. I blushed and said actually it is you attacked not only me but Aang! She blushed and said I know you're just fooling around with him I won't let you hurt him. I chuckled and said funny thing that I'm not fooling around I'm infatuated and madly in love with Aang and would do anything for him. Katara growled and said you're lying. Actually no he's not. I blushed as toph came up and said you're acting like a total immature baby and it needs to stop your father would never approve of your behavior.

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