Emerald island

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I blushed and smiled as I guided Appa to a safe landing in our camp. I blushed and knelt down and said Appa? He grumbled. I blushed and said thanks for saving me. He smiled and licked my cheek. I blushed and smiled as I felt a great pulling begging me to follow. I blushed and said Sokka do you have your sword and boomerang? He blushed and said of course why? Get ready for a fight and follow me. Zuko i want you to protect Katara and Appa toph I need your skills as well. I blushed as Katara said Aang I can fight! I blushed and smiled I know but I need you to look after Appa please he's my everything short of being a mate of course. I blushed as Appa roared and slammed his tail. I blushed and said what is it boy what do you see? He growled and placed his forehead to mine. I blushed as I saw azula and her friends. I blushed and said oh no. Zuko your sister she's here. He blushed and said damn it. I blushed and jumped in front of Appa as I heard Azula. I blushed and said what are you doing here? She blushed and said manners boy I killed you once I can do it again. I blushed and said Appa yip yip. I blushed as he flew up and landed knocking azula back along with her friends. I blushed and said Katara zuko hold her off I have to meet avatar Roku. I blushed and ran once I got to a safe place I sat down and said I'm here Avatar Roku what do you have for me? I blushed and smiled as he came and said aang you have recovered your life and the avatar sport but I must caution you if you do not take extra care you will fall to azula you must go get your friends and flee travel to Kyoshi Island there you will find the villagers ready. I blushed and said Avatar Roku the earth king was over thrown how can I hope to undo everything that's happened. He smiled and said avatar Aang you alone must find the path to victory I can guide you but you are my arms and feet. I blushed and stood understood as I said and said thanks. He smiled and said don't worry about it just go you'll find your friends need you. I blushed and nodded and using air bending ran full speed and stopped over looking my friends. I blushed as azula had cornered and beaten every one but Appa. I blushed and screamed as she burned him. I blushed and as I flew into the avatar state and said princess azula you stand charged with attacking my bison for this you must pay. I blushed and threw her into the and out to sea. I growled and turned to her friends and said you want to join her or will you go alone? They ran and I blushed and landing said Katara you take care of Appa zuko we need to talk. I blushed and said sokka start packing up we're leaving. Toph you take this. I sighed and said look guys avatar Roku tasked me with going back to Kyoshi Island we leave as soon as I get back. I blushed and grabbed zuko by the collar and said let's go. I smiled and walked far away and said you know what I'm going to say don't you? He blushed and said you're mad that I was unable to protect Appa? I blushed and shook my head no I was going to say you have much to do to redeem yourself and I think the best place to start is ba sing se. He blushed and said it's over run with fire nation soldiers! I nodded and said I know. I sighed and said there's something I should tell you your uncle is gathering an army outside the city. He blushed and said I have to go apologize. I blushed and said that my beautiful boyfriend is exactly why I said the best thing would be for you to travel to ba sing se. I blushed and smiled as he said but what if he refuses to see me? I smiled and said Zuko if there's one thing I know it's that even though you turned on your uncle and attacked ba sing se he still loves you. I smiled as he blushed and said you'll come with me? I smiled and said of course it's the avatars duty's to help people be at peace. I smiled as I felt Appas mind gently tugging my consciousness and said come on we need to get back. I smiled as I picked him up and ran back to Appa and blushed as I noticed Appa was crying. I blushed and ran forward what happened what did you do! I blushed and knelt Appa what's wrong? He growled softly and placed his nose to the center of the arrow on my forehead. I blushed as I watched as he relived his lost days. I blushed and placed my hand on his chest and whispered your emotions are all twisted up buddy. I sighed and said Katara bring me some water. I blushed and used water bending to massage Appas neck and back and smiled softly as I placed my hand to his forehead and said together forever never again shall we be separate. I smiled as he relaxed a bit. I blushed and sang

I smiled as he blushed and licked my cheek. I chuckled and said Appa! He chuckled and nudged me causing me to fall back on my but. I chuckled as he plopped his head on my chest and lays down. I chuckled and said oh Appa your just too strong for me you win. He smiled and blows gently into my face. I smiled and kissed his forehead and smiled your my strong boy Appa Don't ever forget it. He smiled and nudged me and made his let's go face. I smiled and said you got it Appa. Zuko your up front on his head with me in case we need to fire bend. I smiled and hopped up onto Appas head and said ready? I smiled as everyone said yeah. I blushed and got up ready for a fight noticing May came back. I blushed and said what business do you have here? She blushed and said relax I'm here for zuko not you air boy. I growled and said I'm warning you're mind your self I've already killed half a dozen people today. She smiled and said cool as for you zuko azula said to tell you that your a fool and if you know what's good for you you'll stay away from the fire nation. Zuko nodded and said I plan on it. I smiled and said Appa yip yip. I smiled and lead Appa to an encampment out side of ba sing se. I blushed and said Katara you and the others hide Appa and momo then join us. I smiled and said ready zuko? He blushed and said no but let's do this anyway. I smiled and said okay. I smiled and walked up to the camp guard and said we need to speak with general Iroh. I smiled as bumi came up and said aang it's good to see you. I blushed and said you too is there anyway I could have a word with Iroh of the fire nation? Bumi smiled and said but of course your the avatar he'd be happy to see you. I smiled and said Zuko come on. He blushed and said my uncle must hate me. I blushed and said no he doesn't hate you trust me. I smiled as we arrived at General irons tent and smiled as Zuko called uncle? I blushed as I heard a small snore and said maybe you should wait? Bumi chuckled and said you can wait inside he won't mind. I blushed and nodded as zuko and I walked into the tent and sighed as I noticed Iroh sit up.


Uncle I'm so sorry I know you probably have a lot of mixed feelings about seeing me but I came in hopes that I could have peace and be forgiven for turning my back on you. I blushed as he turned around and hugged me crying softly. I blushed and said how can you be so forgiving I thought you'd be furious with me. He blushed and said I was never angry with you I was sad because I had thought you lost your way. I smiled and said I did loose my way. I blushed and smiled as he blushed and said yes but you found it again and you did it on your own. I blushed and said uncle this is Aang. He chuckled and said I know that zuko we spent three years chasing him down. I blushed and said yes but now well there's something I should tell you. He's my boyfriend. Uncle Iroh smiled and said welcome to the family avatar Aang your past life avatar Roku was zuko's great grandfather on his mother's side you know. I blushed and said oh uh uncle can I ask you why you lied about killing the last dragon? He smiled and said to protect them of course. I blushed as Aang stood up and said I feel some disturbance in the east. I blushed and said what is it? He blushed and turned pale Appa! I blushed as he ran out and said I'm coming Appa hang on! I blushed and said we have to help him. Uncle smiled and said you're right. I smiled and ran out following the sound of Aang shouting. I blushed as I saw azula and said Aang look out! I blushed as uncle jumped in front of azula and redirected the lightning. I blushed and ran forward and said Aang are you okay? He nodded and kept running. I blushed as we got to Appa and watched horrified as Appa was bleeding profusely. I blushed and ran forward and said where's Katara?! I blushed and shiver hearing my father. Well if it isn't the traitor prince. I blushed and said Aang get out of here I'll hold him off. Aang blushed and screamed seeing Appa and crying collapsed. I blushed and said Aang?

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