Defending ran shaw and the hatchlings.

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I blushed and shifted as I felt Appa push me gently and growled get on. I nodded and said dragon masters retreat follow me! I blushed and smiled as Ran Shaw collected they're hatchlings and took flight. I blushed and said Zuko let's go. I smiled as he said go I'll be right behind you. I blushed and said Zuko come on Appas waiting! I blushed and smiled as he nodded and jumped onto Appa. I blushed and said yip yip to west mountain range. I smiled and saw ran look at me and blushed as he touched my cheek and said the dragon sanctuary! I nodded and said do you know the way? He nodded and said stay close and alert. I blushed and nodded and said follow the dragons boy. I smiled as Appa followed ran and blushed as I saw an enormous building ahead and watched as ran pointed to it. I blushed and smiled as I flew to it and said Zuko let's search for anything dangerous. I blushed as I heard a loud growling then jumped as a claw pushed me against the wall and growled who are you. I blushed and knelt I am avatar Aang I come seeking refuge for two dragons and they're hatchlings. I blushed as the dragon nodded and said rise to prove your intentions I must see if you know the sacred fire forms we dragons taught. I blushed and bowed and smiled as me and Zuko preformed the dancing dragon then blushed as the dragon leaned into my neck and blew a small flame leaving a small mark. I blushed as I turned and saw my neck in the mirror and gasped seeing the mark of the ancient dragon warriors who defended dragons during my youth. I blushed as I bowed and said you honor me noble one. I smiled and stretched out my hand and smiled as he touched his snout to it and smiled as I gently pet then said you avatar Aang have much to atone for I can assist you but before I do you must be absolutely certain you have what it takes to lay down your life for my kind. I blushed and knelt I will do what ever it takes. I blushed and smiled as he said very well let us see what you can do against fire benders. I smiled and nodded as two sun warriors stepped forward. I blushed and said Zuko no matter what happens stay out of this unless I say otherwise. I blushed and smiled as I ready myself and smiled as they attacked. I smiled and deflected the attacks and sent a blast back.

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