Danger 2

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I blushed and smiled as I walked away with Appa and said Zuko come on I have something I want you to see. I blushed as I heard Aang your going to leave with the island in danger? I blushed and said I will return im only leaving momentarily to get something from the mainland. I sighed as Suki came forward and said Avatar. I blushed and said if you haven't fixed the statue then you would do well to leave me be. She blushed and said we have restored her but we need gold and paint. I nodded and said very well. I smiled and said Toph can you gather the gold while I mix suitable paints? I blushed as I heard her say of course twinkle toes. I blushed and said think fast throwing a earth shard.  She chuckled and knocked it away and said oh by the way Twinkle toes you'll need this. I blushed as Toph chuckled and handed me thirteen hand bent bowls.  I smiled as I said thanks and left gathering everything together and mixing up the best quality paints. I blushed and said Avatar Kioshi do these paints satisfy you? I blushed as I heard yes purity and and an honest heart have made them. I smiled and said before you go have I been to harsh? she smiled and said no I was about to until you stood up for me. I blushed and nodded and said I will stand to see your image restored. I chuckled as I walked back to the village and said these paints bare the approval of Kioshi her self use them wisely. I chuckled as the Kioshi warriors nodded and repainted and restored the gold back to the statue. I blushed as I felt Kioshi over take my body and said you have done well my people now prepare yourselves for in a fortnight this island will be over run with fire nation soldiers. I blushed as I regained my self and said I have a plan but for it to work I will need you all to work hard. Any earth benders and fighters will train with Toph and Suki the rest of you will help me build defenses. Suki you will help train warriors to fight. Toph I need you to help teach any one who can earth bend to be able to use basic fighting skills and be able to defend themselves. I smiled as I felt a gentle nudge and said what is it Appa? I blushed as he growled softly and nudged harder toward the shore. I blushed and said show me. He roared and made his hop on face. I blushed and nodded hopping onto his back and said Zuko come with me holding out my hand. I blushed and smiled softly as I said yip yip come on boy. Appa growled and looks over at Sokka. I blushed and said Sokka Appa is wanting you to come. I smiled as he blushed and climbed up. I smiled as Appa flew off to the shore landing. I blushed as I saw an angered unagi and sighed as I jumped onto its head and formed a mental connection and said What angers you. I blushed as I caught glimpses of his thoughts and said Settle and explain I wish to help. I smiled as he roared and said Avatar my friends have fed and cared for me for many years and they continue to protect me and the others who reside close to they're island I will aid them now In return for their kindness all I ask is that you stand  with them and take care of the little ones. I blushed and said it is my duty to protect both man and beast I would never turn on those who need me. I smiled as he nods and said get down! I blushed and duck low holding tight as he dove into the water. I blushed as he said your in danger I need you to trust me. I blushed and nodded. He smiled and rose up again and roared smashing a scout ship into pieces. I smiled as he said I have heard of a band of warriors from the South Pole I suggest you gather them if you can. I smiled and said you are wise friend. He chuckled and said we are more then friends you avatar are my kin and I will always protect you when ever you have need. I blushed and smiled as I got up and smiled as he flung me ashore. I blushed and smiled as Appa caught me. I blushed and said Sokka have you anyway to communicate with your father and his troops? Sokka blushed and said not unless you are willing to allow me to borrow momo? I blushed and said oh uhm. He blushed and said I don't want to hurt him. I blushed and said it's not that it's just I'm not really comfortable sending him long distance if I don't have to. I blushed and sighed as I shifted and felt Momo land on my head and heard him say all is well I won't fail you master. I blushed and said alright but I'll be watching for you as Sokka wrote a message to his father and attached a red feather. I blushed and smiled as I tied it securely to Momo and said be careful and swift I will be waiting. I smiled as he nodded chitters and took off. I blushed and sigh nervously and said spirits be with him and protect him. I sighed and turned to Appa and said come on boy we need to go get ready. I sighed and shifted as I heard Toph come running up. Aang I've just made a discovery you got to see. I blushed and said okay what is it she blushed and said there's quite a few capable earth benders I think we should build a wall around the village and have them help us.  I blushed and said okay then.

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