So ends the 100 years

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I blushed and saw my father and the armada and thought fuck. I blushed and ran to the village center and said make ready warriors form up the fire nation has come! I blushed and smiled as everyone set to work. I blushed as I heard Aang call zuko I'll need your help come on. I blushed and jumped using fire blasts to propel me to Appa In mid air. I blushed and said what's your plan Aang? I blushed and said would the other soldiers turn back if your father was dead? I blushed and said unless azula is there. He chuckled and winked pointing to a blood stain. I gasped and said you killed her? He blushed and shook his head and said no they did pointing to the unagi and a sea serpent. I blushed and said oh. I blushed as I sighed and said can we at least question my dad about what happened to my mother? He blushed and shifted I actually had some news on that. I blushed and said what do you mean? I sighed as he said she's alive but she made a deal with the mother of faces a spirit in charge of faces. She has no memory of you azula or Ozai. I blushed and said why would she-? She made a deal with your father that if he spared you she would craft a poison to kill your grandfather and allow him to claim he was chosen. I blushed and said wow. He nodded and said but don't worry I'll help you find her after this is all over.  I blushed and said thank you. He sighed and nodded then smiled as he said Appa go hide jumping up and flying both of us onto my fathers airship. I blushed and said you're sure about this? He blushed and said no but do you see an alternative? I blushed and shook my head and said I'm right here with you. He blushed and nodded rubbing his neck and whispered I'm sorry about what I'm about to do but please remember I'm doing it for your own good. I blushed and shoved him to the floor and blushed as I laid flat just as a fire blast hit the wall where Zuko's head used to be. I blushed and whispered do you trust me? He blushed and whispered yes. He nodded and said I'm sorry sliding me into a room full of benders. I blushed and jumped up knocking out every one of them. I chuckled as Aang blushed and came in and said I must mediate cover me. I chuckled and said you got it.

I blushed and sat down crossed legged and said Avatar Roku Avatar Kioshi please I need your wisdom.  I blushed as they appeared before me and smiled Avatar Aang we leave you this wisdom be strong and trust in your heart for that is where we are and where Raava is we are always here. I blushed and said Roku I'm scared of what Ozai will do I fear for zuko. He sighed and said my great grandson is strong he will be fine it is you we must protect Ozai will not likely hurt zuko but I fear he would you. I blushed and said Kioshi would you have me abandon your people in this time of danger or stand before them. She smiled and said Aang we can't abandon our duty I will fight with you as will Roku and the others. I blushed and said Kioshi I wonder would you have me end the día li or guide a reform of it? She sighed and said I suggest you meet with the earth king and reform them however I also believe that it is wise that they answer directly to the king and not some figure head. I blushed and said okay I won't let you down. I sighed and said Roku May I speak with your spirit guide? He smiled and said of course but not now you are needed zuko is in danger. I blushed and nodded and said thanks again bowing. I blushed as I became aware again and saw zuko struggling to hold off Ozai. I blushed as I snapped as he attempted a death blow. I growled flying into the avatar state and said Fire lord Ozai you and your forefathers have devastated the balance of this world and now you shall pay the ultimate price delivering the final blow. I blushed as I came down and smiled zuko are you okay? He nodded and said you did it! I blushed and nodded we most protect the village then we can celebrate.

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