Chapter 17

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Jisoo let Joy finish drying her tears before continuing with their heavy conversation. She knew they needed to talk about them- their relationship and everything in between that had led it to this point. Jisoo had so much to say to Joy- how much she liked her, how she didn't want to lose her, and most importantly, how she wanted the best for her- but she didn't know how to say it. She opened her mouth but the words wouldn't come out and her lips struggled to form sentences. A quiet voice interrupted her thoughts.

Joy: What happened to us?

Jisoo scanned her brain looking for an answer as she watched her long-time crush grow more weary by the second. Jisoo didn't like seeing joy look so upset.

Jisoo: I- I don't know.

Joy: How could you do this to me? I've liked you for over a year and I thought you felt the same but I don't know anymore.

Jisoo: Joy, I-

Joy: Jisoo let me finish! I thought we had something special but I guess you are having second thoughts. I started going on dates with you because I thought I was your first choice. I don't want to be someone's second choice..... I was even going to ask you to be my girlfriend.

Jisoo was taken aback by Joy's words. She grew happy imagining a future with Joy as her girlfriend but that future disappeared when she thought of Jennie and the pain it would bring her. Jisoo had felt something with Jennie during both kisses and wanted to explore those feelings before settling down in a committed relationship.

Jisoo: Listen, Joy, I really do like you but I'm just so confused! I don't know what to do because someone will get hurt no matter what decision I make.

Jisoo: ' If only I knew how you felt a year ago and if only I wasn't such a coward to tell you how I felt. Maybe we could be happy now, maybe even married'

Joy: I am just as confused as you are! I was going to bring it up later but I think I need to tell you now. I was offered a job overseas for a big company in New York and I am considering taking it. The one thing that was holding me back was you. I was willing to leave it all for you....but now I don't know.

This news shocked Jisoo even more. Joy was going to leave for America if she couldn't figure out her feelings for Jennie. Even though she didn't want to lose Joy, Jisoo thought this job opportunity was something she couldn't pass on for a relationship she wasn't sure was going to work out.

Jisoo could feel the tears starting to build up again. This was too overwhelming for her. She had to decide now. To stay with the girl she was in love with or the girl who she used to love in high school? She was going to let her heart speak for itself.

Jisoo: Wow... that is huge news. Congrats on the offer...

Jisoo's heart was speaking a million words but she couldn't bring herself to speak.

The two girls sat in silence for a few minutes. All that could be heard was the sound of raindrops on the windows and the occasional thunder. They both sat in deep thought waiting for the other to say something.

After a deep sigh, Joy decided to finally speak.

Joy: Is that all you are going to say?

Jisoo: I think you should take the job-

Joy frowned at Jisoo's words and started to grab her belongings to leave.

Jisoo: Joy, wait— I only said that because I want the best for you and your future. I truly do care for you and that's why I think you should chase your dreams. Don't wait around for me to figure out my feelings.

Joy: You're right.

Joy was trying so hard not to cry. Her heart was literally being shattered into pieces.

Jisoo: 'The hearts wants what it wants'

Jisoo: But before you leave, I want you to know I don't regret anything that happened between us. I was truly in love with you and my feelings were genuine. I saw myself marrying you at one point. You truly made me happy and all the intimate moments we spent together will forever be in my heart.

A small smile crept upon Joy's face. She made her way over to where Jisoo was sitting on the couch. She leaned over her and kissed her one last time on the cheek.

Joy: I think I will go to the U.S. so this is goodbye for now.

Jisoo: I'm so sorry things ended this way. I didn't want it to happen like this-

Joy: Shhh- we can't change what has already happened.

Jisoo: Thank you for everything. Thanks for the memories and trying to make this work. You will always have a special place in my heart. I hope you find success in America and someone you can spend the rest of your life with.

Joy could feel the tears well up in her eyes again. She looked over at Jisoo. The memories playing all in her head.

Joy: If I ever come back and you're single, maybe we could give it another shot. Just maybe... if not then I truly wish you the best with Jennie. I hope we could still be close friends.

The two girls shared one last hug before Joy walked to the door.

Joy: ' I'm sorry for not saying this but I was in love with you too.....'

Joy: Goodbye, Jisoo.

With those last words, Joy left Jisoo's home and left her life. There was going to be no more dates between them. No more shared smiles, hugs, or kisses. Tears started to run down Jisoo's face as she was overwhelmed with her emotions. Had she made the right decision? Could she truly fall in love with Jennie and form a lasting connection? She did not know the answer but she wanted to at least try and find out.

A/N: Okayy I'm done updating now 😀Till next week my fellow readers!!

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