Chapter 1 -The Store- (Edited)

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                  ~ Gaege's POV ~
   I awaken to the light coming in through the curtains. I groan, still tired, and roll out of bed. I walk over to the closet. I'm feeling lazy, so I chose a simple white t-shirt, a hoodie, black ripped jeans.
   I walk downstairs and into the kitchen for some coffee. Sitting by the patio door, drinking coffee, I get a call from Josh.
   "Hey" Josh greets. "What's up?" I ask, still really tired.
"We were gonna record, so we wanted to know if you were in the mood for it." He states. I think about it. I figure why not, I have nothing better to do today. "Sure, why not" I reply.
   We hang up, and I go to my office to edit until they want to start record. Almost done with editing, I get a message.

J: Hey, we're gonna record. You ready?
G: Yea, lemme get set up
J: k

   I got set up, and joined the server. We were doing a brush video, and we had a blast. We were making jokes and laughing our asses off. More towards the end, Ayden joined us. He did his moron goofy grape shit, and everything came out legendary.

   After recording, I went to the store for groceries. Mostly just snacks to be quite straight with you. Can never go wrong with chips and ice cream.

                       ~ Eddie's POV ~

   The boys recorded a video, but I was too busy dealing with a water leak I had in the basement. I told them I would next time. After the guy left, I went to find something to eat. I was starving. When got to the kitchen, there was nothing.
"Well shit" I said aloud. Guess I need to go shopping. I get my keys and get in the car, driving off. I had decided to wait to eat till I could make something at home, but I guess my body had other plans. My stomach kept growling on the drive into town, so I figured rather to get something before I got to the store.
I go through McDonald's, getting a big mac and a large fry, with a drink, and head for the local store. I get there, and finish my food before going in.
Walking through the dry goods section, I see a familiar face further down the aisle.
   "Hey dawg," I say loudly. Gaege looks at me and smiles, and starts walking my way, grabbing a box of granola bars on the way over.

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