Chapter 9 - The After-math - (Edited)

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            ~ Gaege's POV ~

   Eddie hasn't moved much since that day. It hit him a little harder than it did me. I've been helping him get through it, but it isn't doing much. I check up on him, and he's said many times he feels bad that I keep checking up on him, making sure he's ok, but I love him. He needs to be checked up on.
Loosing someone is hard. He's asked to cuddle a few times, talking to me about how I feel quite a few times, no doubt wanting to make sure I'm making it ok. I talk about how it surprised me, and how I am hurting, but I always tell him I'm doing better than I was doing that day. I guess that's all that I can do to keep from loosing my sanity..
It hit me pretty hard a few days after, and I sobbed while Eddie slept, but ironically enough, Grant had come over. Turns out he felt like he needed to check on me. Eddie seems to still be in shock though. I asked him if he needed anything, any food, or water, blankets or anything, careful not to ask him if he needs pills for headaches or anything. I'm afraid that he'll use those to cope, so I never ask. He keeps asking for water, but not really anything else.

   I'm downstairs, filling a cup with water and some ice. Grant has been checking in on me to make sure I'm able to take care of Eddie. I constantly tell him I'm fine, but he never believes me.
   There's a knock at the door right before I walk up the stairs. Speak of the devil. I put the water down on the stand under the stair railing, and open the door to see Grant standing there, looking a little more tired and exhausted. I let him in, and hug him immediately. He breaks down in my arms. We walk over to the couch so we can talk and so I can comfort him.
   After a few minutes of him crying, he said he was ready to talk.
   "It finally hit me today. I went to call him to ask if he wanted to join me in my video, and right before I hit call..." He pauses. I know exactly what he means. So I just lean forward and hug him again. His breathing goes unsteady again, and I just hold him.
Both of us were startled when we heard a creak coming from the stairs. I looked over to see Eddie up. One glance at Grant, Eddie knew he wasn't ok. He comes running over, stumbling a little on the way down the stairs, and hugs him. I smile at the sight, knowing we are all there for each other.
   After talking a while, and Eddie and I comforting and listening to him, I get a call from the doctor saying Mully has woken up, so I tell the boys next to me the news. They beam at each other, then look at me, which I was smiling with hope, right along with them.
   Without anyone saying a word, I grab the keys, knowing I was the only person who could drive safely right now; Eddie goes upstairs to grab a hoodie and both our phones, and Grant grabs his hoodie as well. We get into the car and drive to the hospital.

Almost to the hospital, a memory of all of us boys, including Josh, pops into my head. I suddenly have a chest ache from the memory, but will myself to keep myself together until later. However, a traitorous tear runs down my face. No one could tell, so I just keep driving and don't say anything.
Once we get to the hospital, we hurry inside, and Eddie tells the lady at the desk who we are, and who we're here for. She tells us the room number kindly, and we say our thanks and rush to Mully's room. When we get to his room, we all must feel the same thing, cause we all stop before we walk inside. Eddie walks in first, Grant next, and I follow.
Mully turns his head to see us. He smiles slightly, but immediately winces from the pain it causes. He looks a little drowsy, and a lot in pain. Still, he looks happy to see us. Eddie walks over to the seat across from bed, Grant sits in the seat right next to Mully, and I walk over to Eddie and sit on his lap. He automatically puts his arm around my waist, holding me to him like his life depends on it. Grant speaks softly.
   Mully moves his hand further towards Grant, and we all smile.

Another update coming tomorrow :)

For my other story, "The Forbidden Love", I'm pretty lost on where to go next, so it might take a little while to post another chapter there. However here, I have quite a few more chapters, so you'll see tomorrow :) Bye

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