Chapter 13 - Mully's home (Flashback) -

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~ Gaege's POV ~
~ Time skip two weeks later ~

"Grant! Hurry your ass up!" I holler from downstairs. I hear a grunt coming from the stairs, so I turn around to see Grant making his way down, looking very much rushed. Eddie was waiting out in the car, clearing the space for Mully in the front, and Grant was doing God knows what.
He rushes past me to the door, slipping his shoes on and running out the door, me following suit; locking the door before going to the car.

~ At the Hospital ~

"Please sign here." The front desk lady stated. Eddie signed, and thanked her. She nods her head and we walk off. Mully is able to walk, but we have to take it slow. We slowly make our way to the car, being gentle with Mully putting him into the front seat. He groans when he sits down, but he tells us to dismiss it. I get in the driver's seat, and Eddie and Grant get in the back. We take off, silent for the first 10 minutes of the drive.
"I'm not dumb. Josh is gone isn't he." Mully speculated. I tense, and look in the rear view mirror to look at Eddie for advice. He gives an expression saying 'no point in hiding'. I took a deep breathe, swallow, and choke back a sob. I peek at Mully, who is looking right at me. I can't close my eyes to stop myself from crying, or to show it without saying anything, so I just nod softly. A tear falls, and I get the composure to let a meek 'yes' escape my mouth. I glance over to Mully who is crying...a sob if he wasn't being as quiet as he was. That made me wonder how many times he's cried silently alone in his lifetime. He looks down, and sniffles every few seconds. I look back to Eddie and Grant who look sad to see Mully like this.
"I kinda figured. I hadn't seen him, and you guys never talked about him." Mully choked out. I couldn't even glance at Mully. I couldn't bare looking at him in this state. The rest of the trip to Eddie's was quiet. No one peeped. Every once in a while there was a sniffle from Mully, but nothing more.
   I unlocked the door and walked inside, with Eddie following, taking care of Mully, and Grant following suit behind them. I threw the keys on the table in the entry, and walked straight to the kitchen. I started whimpering the lyrics to Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran while making dinner.

"I fluffed the pillows, made the bed, stacked the chairs up."

Flip the meat. Turn on to simmer.

"Folded your night gowns neatly in a case."

Stir the vegetables.

"John said he'd drive, then his hand on my cheek."

Walk over to the cupboard.

"And wiped a tear..."

A sob.

"From the.."

A tear rolls down.

"Side of my face..."


I started crying more and more, the more a sang, the harder it was to not cry. I stopped making the food. My vision was blurry, and I kept sniffling. I heard a footstep on the hardwood floors, making me whip around. Eddie was leaning against the frame, looking at me sympathetically. His eyes were glossy, and his body stance showed he was about to cry too. I turn around fully, leaning my body against the counter, shrugging in his direction. He starts walking over to me, lifting his hands from his front pockets. Once he's about half a foot in front of me, he opens his arms slightly, opening the gate for me to fall into his arms. I look down, but tiptoe the 6 inches, enclosing the air between us. As soon as I feel Eddie take a deep breathe in, and exhale, all hell breaks loose. I break down in his arms. Tears stream down my face, my hands ball up the fabric of his shirt on his back. Once he feels me breakdown, he tightens the hug. If only this were under better circumstances. A muffled sob escapes me here and there. I start to get weak from this ache in my chest. My legs feel wobbly. Eddie feels this, and picks me up bridal style, walking me over into the living room. I hide my face in his chest once we reach the living room, not exactly wanting to show my vulnerability in front of Mully or Grant, even though Grant has seen it more than once. Eddie sits down, and continues to cradle me. My breathing is unsteady, but the sobs are so uncontrollable. I've always seemed to be the weakest when it comes to sudden events or pushing my feelings to the side. Once it's there, I can't control it. Once I've calmed down a bit, I move my head so I can see Mully, noticing that he's crying too. There's been so much going on. We're way behind on our videos, people are asking where we are, and why Josh hasn't posted on any social media whatsoever, and with Josh being gone, the grief is not coming easily. I can't imagine what Mully is going through, and what troubles he's having from the accid-

   "What happened?" I blurt out. I lift my head, and support myself on Eddie's lap. Mully turns his head to me with questioning eyebrows, while I look him straight in the eye. "What?" He questioned back. "What happened during the accident." I demand bluntly. My tone is seeming more disrespectful than I wanted. His expression softened, almost to the point where it was painful to see. Another tear escapes him, but he looked down. When he looked up, I could see he wasn't in the moment. He was viewing what had happened in the back of his mind.
I awaited his story, and I could feel Eddie tense under my touch. I heard a faint footstep behind Eddie and I, assuming it was Grant.
"We were turning left." Mully starts. We turn our full attention to him, completely attentive to him.
"Josh was driving. We had quiet music in the background, and we were talking. We were going back and fourth about some ideas we had. We weren't arguing, rather than laughing and teasing each other for the ideas. It was a four way stop. We had the right away, so Josh turned. We didn't see the Semi coming from the road. Nor did we see him fast enough to stop." We all gasped as he paused, and continued, still looking out and being distant.
"All of a sudden, I turned my head to the left. I saw him right before he hit us. I screamed at Josh to step on it, knowing we'd get hit if we stopped." Another tear escaped.


Mully's POV

"What about another you laugh you drink?" Josh requests. I chuckled. "You pour nothing into the shot glass! It wouldn't be worth it!" He scowled in a joking manner, mocking anger. "Well what do you suggest cunt! A fucking parade!?" He laughed out. I laughed with him, feeling the car turn. I leaned the opposite way of the turn instinctively. I glance to my left, noticing a Semi coming straight for us. "Josh go!" I roared. "Why-!?" He's cut off by the jerk of the car being pushed sideways by the truck. Josh's window crashes inwards. He's jerked sideways, and I'm pushed towards my window, hitting my head and cracking it. I feel the jerk forwards, hitting something hard, making me lunge forward into the dash, stopped by my seatbelt. Then, everything is black.
   A black abyss is suddenly put before me. The cold air cuts me like a blade, sending shivers down my spine. I look around, and freeze when I see Josh behind me, unconscious and bleeding from the head and chest. No matter what I do, I'm stuck here, unable to reach him. Beeping alarms me, making me frantic. Familiar voices screaming in the background, sounding panicked and irritated. The beeping fades, and soon, there's the deafening, unerasable, silence that is the white sound.

- End of Flashback-

Gaege's POV

   Mully was sobbing, but he was still out of it. Josh had died from a Semi hitting his side of the car...that's so brutal...
   Eddie was breathing heavily, and I wasn't sure I was breathing at all. Mully looked over to us, and you could see the panic and PTSD in his expression. He looked down, upset and in grief. I clenched my fists, not realizing I was holding on to Eddie's shirt still. He hugged me tighter, almost squeezing me, and took a deep breathe. Once he exhaled, I wriggled out of his grasp, crawling across the couch to hug Mully. The pain he's got to be going through. He hugs me back, tightening it while he breaks down. I hold him, letting him have his moment while being careful of his wounds from the still fresh surgery.

Here's the next chapter :) Hope I showed some strong emotion in the story...I tried lol
:) Bye

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