Chapter 5 -"I guess they're ok with it"- (Edited)

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I look down, and start to flush red. Did I seriously kiss him last night? Was I that drunk? Questions and guilt start to flood my head. I get up, and try to say sorry.
   "U-uh. Sorry..I d-don't.." I stutter, still thinking how I could be such an idiot. I just ruined our relationship. He gets up and starts walking over. His face is calm, collected. I can't look at him in the eye.
   "Gaege." He whispers. He puts an arm out, putting his arm on my shoulder. I still fail to look at him in the eye. He lifts his hand up to my cheek and cups it, startling me. The gesture forces me to look at him in the eye. On the verge of tears, I find it hard to hold composure. He does the same with his other hand, and looks me dead in the eye. I can't stop blushing. I can feel my whole face heat up. He pulls me closer. I tense with the motion. He softly touches his lips to mine, and instinctively, I relax into the kiss. We passionately continue.
   Does he like me? Does he love me? Was he mad when I kissed him? Is he kissing me now out of pity? A million questions run through my head. He breaks the kiss and smiles. His smile is enough to shatter all my thoughts, letting me get lost in his eyes as he looks at me with desire, as if viewing my soul through my eyes. I smile back, and kiss him again. He relaxes into it. I couldn't be more happy.
   I break the kiss, looking at him lovingly, smiling with care. He does the same, as his eyes drift over my shoulder. His smile slowly fades, and he tenses and looks nervous. I quickly pick up that the boys are behind us. I turn my head around, looking over my shoulder to see Grant, Josh, and Mully, standing at the bottom of the stairs.
My smile has faded by the time I turn around, Mully giving us a blank stare, looking almost annoyed, while Grant and Josh are smiling widely, showing teeth. Mully hands Grant AND Josh a 50 dollar bill each, and Eddie and I look at each other with puzzled expressions. Grant and Josh, happily smiling, Mully glaring at the two, and Eddie and I with surprised but confused expressions, Mully explains what's going on.
   "Grant and Josh had been seeing how you guys act when around, or even just talking together. So we made a bet, since I didn't think it was gonna happen." He looked down, still not liking that he was defeated, and sighs.
   "Well. Good to know we don't have to ask if you guys are ok with it." I state, still surprised. Grant is looking at Eddie, seeming to have a silent conversation going back and forth between them. Grant smiles knowingly and Eddie returns it with a slight nod and smirk. I then realize that Eddie's hand is around my waist, holding me next to him. Josh is smiling at me, and I just stick out my tongue.
   "Kiss again" Josh demands. Clearly he's ok with it. I kind of just stand there, feeling my face heat, and Josh just laughs. Eddie looks at me and lifts my chin so our lips meet. I close my eyes, instantly forgetting everything around us. I break us yet again, and turn toward the boys.
   "There is breakfast on the counter, ya know," I state, starting to feel uncomfortable being stared at. Grant suddenly bolts to the kitchen, calling dibs while racing with Josh. Eddie laughs, and I chuckle to myself. Mully walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, looking sincere and somewhat serious. I look at him.
   "May not have thought it would happen, but I'm happy for both of you." He says, looking between me and Eddie. He gives us a respectful head nod, and walks into the kitchen. We smile to ourselves, and turn around and head for the kitchen, following behind Mully.

I think I have 2 more chapters? I think. I'm not sure...I wrote them in notes, so I'm pasteing..pasting..I don't know how to spell it - each Chapter. All the same, here's the second chapter for today :)

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