Chapter 6 -Happy Moments with my Friends- (Edited)

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        ~ Still Gaege's POV~

   "Yo. Any of you cunts want to go out for dinner tonight?" Josh asks. We look between each other, and all nod in unison.
   "We should get dressed though," Grant states. I smile and look between everyone, realizing we were, in fact, all still in our clothes from yesterday apart from Eddie, who is still wearing his PJ's. Every one stands up, walking side by side.  Mully and Josh, with Eddie walking in front, and Grant and I walking behind them.
   "I was the first one to notice it, you know." He confesses, starting a conversation. I look at him confused. He smiles to himself then continues. "I noticed how you looked at Eddie, how you reacted when he was talking to you and said your name." He pauses, then laughs as he says, "I also noticed you blushing everytime you were near him, or when he mentioned you." I punched his shoulder smiling, and he just laughed at the gesture.
   "How are you doing, Grant?" I question, putting the emphasis on 'you'. He nods and smirks. "I'm doing very good right now." He continues up the stairs, and nods to himself. "I'm with my friends, and you two are finally realizing your feelings. Thank you for thinking of me." He adds. He looks at me and smiles again. We continue upstairs.

          ~ Eddie's POV ~
   I was waiting down in the entry for everyone to come down, and Josh came first.
   "Who's car are we driving?" He asks me. I look at him, a little confused, and made a face like, dawg, isn't it obvious?
   "I thought we were taking yours. You were the one that suggested it!" I tell him matter-of-factly.
   "Mexican man, my car is low on gas. We are using someone else's car. Plus you all make a mess. EVERYTIME we take mine. That's someone else's problem today." He states, sounding rather annoyed. I just laugh at the truthful statement. "Fine dawg, we'll take my car." I answer.
   Gaege is walking down as I answer Josh. He's giggling to himself, probably hearing the whole conversation. His giggle is the most adorable thing I've ever heard. He must realize why I'm smiling at him, cause his giggle turns into a shy smile. Mully and Grant follow behind laughing, but disregard whatever they're laughing about.
   "Everyone ready?" I question. They all nod and before we walk out, I state that we're taking my car.

        ~ At the restaurant ~

   I park the car, and we all get out. I walk over to Gaege and grab his hand. He smiles slightly, enough for only me to notice. We walk into the restaurant, and get seated. The waiter eyes our hands as she seats us. Gaege must notice, cause he lets go and sits down first. I frown. As I sit down, and she walks away, I look at Gaege. He looks more shy than usual.
   "You ok?" I ask him. He just looks down, looking embarrassed. My heart sinks at the fact that not only is he nervous and cares what other people think, but he is embarrassed to be holding my hand if people are looking or judging. I look away and pick up the menu.
We don't really talk directly to each other for the rest of the night at the restaurant. Grant notices, and gives me a few apologetic glances, and a few slight apologetic smiles, but doesn't say anything. I just shrug back in response. Grant always notices.
   After our plates are taken away, and we all pay our part of the check, we walk out and get into the car. Gaege sits in the front, and everyone else gets in the back. On the way home, everyone is laughing and having fun conversating.
   Every once in a while I glance over at Gaege who is just looking out of his window. I look at him a few miles away from home, and he's passed out. I pull into his drive way, and put my hand on his arm and shake lightly.
   "Gaege baby, wake up" I say softly. He breathes in, and sits up. He yawns and then looks at me. He looks very tired. The others get out and walk into the house, then Gaege and I get get to the door. He goes to walk in but I grab his wrist. He stops in his tracks and turns around. I look at him, a little sad, but he just looks blank.
   "Gaege?" I start. "Yea?" He answers back. I hesitate, a little scared for what his response will be. "Are you embarrassed by me? About holding my hand? Or being with me?" I ask him. He looks at me with a saddened face, and then he lifts his hand to cup my cheek. I can feel a tear run down my face. Who knew I was so emotional. He looks up at me and kisses me, then looks me in the eye.
   "No. I'm not embarrassed by you. I went shy. I'm not sure why, but I did. This is all very new to me. However, I love you, and I won't do it again." He states, his eyes tearing up as well. He loves me? I smile slightly to the side, and move closer to grab his waist and pull him in. He's short enough for me to kiss him on the forehead, so I do so. He hugs me tightly, so I hug him back even tighter.
I'm still a little unsettled by what he did earlier, but him saying he loves me makes me feel more confident and ok.
We walk inside, and everyone is on the couch talking, laughing, and watching a movie. In front of them is a bowl of popcorn, some candy, and some waters. Thank the Lord it's not beer. Gaege breaks my grip on his hand and runs over to the food, snatching up all the candy.
   He cusses them out, and yells at them for taking his stash, and walks over to the kitchen to put it all back. They all just look at me, and I shrug and smile at his defense of his candy. They all continue talking as Gaege walks back over to me, taking my hand again.
   "Fucking dickheads." He mumbles, and I just throw my head back in laughter. I start walking, and he just shakes his head, smiling. Annoyed from the boys, but smiling at me. I just kiss the top of his head, telling him he can relax and just enjoy the night that we have together with the boys. Little did we know, we wouldn't have much longer with one of them.

           ~ To Be Continued ~

Sorry not sorry ❤️

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