Chapter 7 - The Hospital - (Edited)

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          ~ Eddie's POV ~

   It's been a week since the boys were here. Grant went back home to see his parents a few towns far out, and Josh and Mully have been getting set up for some recordings. Gaege and I have been living with each other, doing recordings, laughing, cuddling...the usual couple stuff. I had fixed the basement problem, and Gaege left his apartment.
   Gaege and I were at the counter eating breakfast, when my phone rang. I looked at it, and I read the name. The hospital? I answer the phone, and listen carefully, anxious to see why the hospital was calling me.
   "Hello, is this Eddie?" The woman on the other line questioned. She sounded like she was genuine, but at the same time sounded so routined. I pause for a second, curious, but I reply quickly.
   "Yes this is Eddie." I respond kind of worried. "There are two guys, by the names of Mully and Josh in surgery right now. We found your number along with someone named Grant and some other contacts we're assuming is their family. Should I call anyone else?" She asked. I was paralyzed. Mully and Josh are in surgery? What for? Was there an accident?
I come back to reality.
   "Yes, please call their families. I'll call Grant." I say quietly, trying to hold composure. I look up and Gaege is staring at me worriedly. Only then do I realize that I'm crying.
   "Sounds good, thank you sir. Have a nice day." She said in her routine, monotone voice. I hang up and drop my phone to the counter. I glance up at Gaege and look back down.
   "We need to go." I say urgently. "What's wrong baby?" He questions me. I just shake my head, unable to speak. He grabs my hand in support, worried, though he doesn't push it. I get into the driver's seat of the car, but before I can start the car, Gaege is grabbing the keys from me. I look at him, a little furious.
"Give me the keys." I say, with very little patience. He looks patient and answers calmly, "Baby, get in the passenger seat. I'm driving." I hesitate. I don't really want to tell him where we are going, but he's not an idiot, he knows something serious is up. I get out of the car and go to the other side. He starts the car and backs out.
"Where are we going?" He asks, his tone telling me he knows where we're going. "T-to the h-hospital." I stutter. It's taking me everything not to panic any more than I already am. He just nods subtly and starts to drive to the hospital.
   We run inside-or perhaps, I sprint in, pulling Gaege behind me. "Mully and Josh" I state aloud to the front desk lady. She nods and starts clicking on her keyboard. She looks up at us and answers back.
   "Room ***." I look at her confused. She must know exactly what I'm thinking, cause she quickly adds, "they got out of surgery about 20 minutes ago." I nod, and we start walking fast towards the room. I stop at the door, seeing Josh and Mully on ventilators. I walk in, letting tears fall. I sit next to Josh and Gaege sits next to Mully.
I fall asleep from the sudden distress of my state, and wake up to an alarming beeping.
   I rush to stand, looking around. I then remembered that I was in the hospital and why I was in the first place. I rush to look, and see Josh's monitor going straight, along with beeping. I panic, forgetting that Gaege was there with me for a second. I look over at him, and see that he has tear stains on his face, and more tears rushing down his face. I worry for him, but stay attentive to what is happening with Josh.
   "Is he going to be ok?" I speak loudly, terrified Josh isn't going to make it. "Sir, you have to get out, please," a doctor demands, rushing Gaege and I out of the room. Gaege allows, most likely too weak to push back, but me, on the verge of tears, I push back.
   "No! I need to stay!" I yell back at her. Another Doctor coming over to the room is now pulling me. How the hell are they so damn strong? My mind gets distracted for a second, giving them the opportunity to pull me out. I stumble back as they run and close the door. After a moment of me wondering if this was all just a dream, I hear someone sobbing behind me.
My heart drops and I rush to him, embracing him in probably the tightest hug I've ever given him. His breath was stuttery, and uneven. He was sobbing into my chest as I just held him. I held his head to me with one hand, and held him tight to me from his back, rubbing his back in support. I was crying now as well, though not sobbing. I was trying to keep it together the best I could for him.
Behind Gaege, I see Grant running up to us with the most terrified, yet worried look. He stops next to me, searching my eyes to see what was going on, not taking long for him to realize. Gaege turns his head to see Grant, and squirms in my arms. I let him go, and he goes over to hug Grant.
Grant hugs him back, supporting him just as much. I nod as I turn around, going to look for a bench near us to sit at. I find one, and go grab Gaege and Grant to come sit. It's only a few rooms down.
Grant sits down, Gaege next to him, with his head on Grant's shoulder. A few seconds after we sit down, they rush Josh out of the room, in the opposite direction. A doctor walks over to us, with a genuine apologetic look. I stand up, and she starts walking down the hallway. I follow close behind, catching up and walking next to her.
   "So?" I question. She stops and turns to me. She has to look up to look me in the eyes. "His body started to crash. He has internal bleeding. The other doctors are rushing him to the OR for another surgery. We will keep you guys updated. As for Mully, he is still stable. He shows signs of surviving, so we'll keep checking him as well." I nod, taking all of this in. I pause, but reply, "Thank you ma'am."
   She continues to walk, and I drag myself back to the other two. I sit down, and turn to explain everything. Gaege still looks frantic, even more so after the explanation. Grant just looks extremely terrified.
After explaining, Gaege moves to hug me. Any tighter, my insides would be squeezed out of me. I hug him back, wishing I could take all of his worry and terror for what is to come. What change might be coming. I would take all of it from you, just to see you smile again.
"I love you baby. Whatever happens, I'm here for you." I say softly, telling him he's not alone in this. He nods, and I feel his head lift up. I look down to see him looking at me. He must read how worried I am for him, because he lifts himself a little, reaching his lips to mine. I kiss back, forgetting everything that has been happening.
I am careful not to hurt him, since his position looks awfully painful. He breaks the kiss, and shows slight gestures to a smile, so I instinctively smile at the fact that he almost smiled from the love I'm trying to show him. He seems defeated at his attempt to hide his smile.
   "I love you too. And I'll be here for you too," he answers. We continue to cuddle the best we can with the way the bench is built. I look over to Grant, who is now smiling with admiration. I just shake my head, and he chuckles. I will protect you from anything or anyone who wants to hurt you, I promise to Gaege. You are safe.

So yeah...cliffhanger. I suppose it's not exactly a cliffhanger if I'm posting another chapter, is it...
  Another chapter coming in a little bit :)

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