Chapter 11 - The Filler - (Edited)

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~ Time Skip Two days later ~

I'm on my phone watching some of "the boys" videos, and when a part for Mully plays, and makes me think of him. I wonder if I should go see him alone, or if I should go see him with Gaege. Grant's been busy with family stuff, and he offered to talk to Josh's family. I told him to call me to come over if he needed, but he got it done.
I realize I've zoned, when I hear footsteps coming from the stairs. Gaege is walking my way with one of my hoodies, all of which are oversized on him. He waddles down, making me giggle. He's always so slow and tired in the morning. He has bed head almost every morning, although it is adorable.
He smiles back, but doesn't say anything. When he gets to me, he kisses the top of my head, then finally talks.
"Morning." He says. I reply, "Good morning, baby."
He walks into the kitchen to get some coffee, and walks back over and sits next to me. I'm watching my phone, but when I look up at him, realizing he isn't making any noise and that he hasn't sat down, I see him staring at me with curiosity.
Why is he looking at me like that? I wonder. He just smiles when I look at him. He leans forward to kiss me. I'm assuming he's content with what he sees.
I lean forward as well, and connect our lips. We hold it for a second, and when we break the kiss, he looks down shyly, then looks back up.
"I love you Eddie. I just want you to know that." He states. I smile lovingly, and nod. "I love you too Gaege. I'll be here for you when you need me." I promise. He smirks, and comments, "...What needs, exactly?" I look down, and simply chuckle at his comment. I look back up, lean close to him so we're only inches away from each other. He has a flash of humor on his eyes. I smirk in response, "Oh you know, the usual's."
He giggles, looking like he's hiding a genuine laugh. Sure shit, he is. He tips his head forward in laughter, and I start laughing as well. When we find composure, he gets up to go get dressed. I eventually go upstairs in the room to see him asleep in the bed, actually dressed. I just laugh to myself and get dressed. Afterwards, I get into bed and spoon him, and he wriggles to make it more comfortable. I'm not tired, so I scroll through Twitter.
I'm watching a video on YouTube, when Gaege squirms. I pause the video and look down to see him looking up at me. I smile, and he just smirks back.
"Well good morning," I say playfully. He chuckles, still with a smirk on his face. With no words, he moves quick. He gets up off the bed, snatches my phone from me, and starts running out of the room. I'm left sitting there for a split second with my mouth wide open, wondering what the hell just happened. I get up just as fast, and start chasing him.
"You little shit! Get back here with my phone!" I holler, laughing as I chase him down the stairs. I hear him giggle, and then I hear the door. I hear footsteps out the door, then nothing. No voice. No footsteps. I slow down, but continue on. I hear faint conversations, then I get to the door. I see Gaege and Grant talking. As soon as Gaege hears me, he takes off with a sly smirk on his face.
"Gaege!!!" I yell. I'm starting to get tired, but go along with it. I smile quickly at Grant to acknowledge him, but continue my focus on Gaege. He runs into the back yard as I start to gain on him. Once I'm close enough, I jump after him to tackle him. I spin us around so I land on the ground, making sure he doesn't get hurt. We start to wrestle. He suddenly stops mid-movement. Is he ok? Did I accidentally hurt him? When I stop, he looks at me, no pain in his eyes. He smiles fully and drops the phone, kisses me, proceeds to lick my ear, and runs back to the house. I get up, and start walking back laughing. As I'm looking at the phone, I realize he just recorded the whole thing.
I'm a little confused why he did that in the first place, cause it did nothing except put an extra video in my gallery. I shake my head, letting it go. If he wants to have fun, then let him have fun.
I get inside, and see him leaning on the counter, talking to Grant. I run up behind him and grab him by the waist. Suddenly, a rush of pain floods to my face. I stumble backwards, and wince in pain. I find my balance and look up. I see Gaege turned towards me with his hands covering his mouth, looking terrified and guilty at the same time. Anger fills me, but I find myself unable to speak.
"Oh my god, Eddie I'm so so sorry," he says, sounding like he was gonna start crying. My anger fleas me when he runs up to hug me.
"I'm so so sorry baby," he mutters. I hug him back. "It's ok Gaege, I'm sure you didn't mean it." He steps back to look at where he smacked me. He lifts his hand, but doesn't touch my face. He carefully leans forward and kisses me softly. I relax and kiss back. I smile, and with that, he smiles back. I then look past his shoulder to see Grant basically rolling on the ground.
"Oh my gosh, I'm crying!" he says, barely able to speak from laughing. I just smile and shake my head. I hear Gaege laughing as well, so I find it hard not to as well. I get some water...and an ice pack...and go back over to the counter. With Gaege watching me walk back, I decide it's safe to go over to him and love on him. I put the water and ice down, and hug him from behind. He wraps his arms around mine, holding my arms to his chest. I lean my head down to his neck and start kissing my way up. He moves his neck to make it easier. When I get to his jawline, he turns to me, so I kiss his cheek. I pull away and hug him tighter. He closes his eyes and smiles, looking content.
"Why y'all gotta third wheel me like that. Ya know, I feel lonely too," Grant comments. I could sense a little bit of truth to that comment, but mostly humor in his tone. I smile and let go of Gaege. I walk over and hug him as well, and I feel Gaege to the right of me. Grant wraps his arms around me. After a few seconds, I realize that it's only the three of us, with the fourth in the hospital, and one gone. I feel the tears coming, but I urge myself to hold it.
"We should go see Mully." I suggest. Gaege let's out a tiny whimper, most likely doing the same thing I am, holding the tears back. "Yea, we should," Grant adds. We all look at each other, smiling, and just nod. Gaege reaches over and grabs my hand. I grip it tightly, giving him an encouraging squeeze before walking out the door.

~ At the Hospital ~

We walk into Mully's room, and see him watching TV. He looks over at us, not showing much of a sign of pain, so he must be doing better. We line up at the side of his bed, and I kneel next to him, towards the front of the bed.
"Hey big guy, how you feeling?" Gaege asks. I immediately tense, and I can tell he did too. I glance at him to see him look down. I get up and embrace him. I continue to hold him to my side, but turn back to Mully. He just smiles and replies. (True boys fans would understand the meaning behind that part of the story).
"I'm feeling ok. Not as much pain when I move. Doctor says I should be out in about a week or two." I smile, and feel Gaege relax next to me. (It's been about a week and a half since Josh died). "That's good. I'm glad you get to come home soon," Grant says. I nod subtly in agreement.
There's silence, most likely because we're all thinking of Josh. After a little while, though, I break the silence.
"Can we join you in watching the shitty TV shows that the hospital provides?" I joke. He chuckles a little and nods. We all pull up a chair next to his bed, and watch some TV.
I open my eyes, and see that I'm sleeping in the hospital. We must've fallen asleep, I think. It's dark outside, so I look at my phone. 2:48am. Well then. I look to my right to see Gaege in the chair next to me, leaning on my shoulder, sound asleep. He's so adorable when sleeping.
I look to my left to see Mully in his bed right next to me, and Grant on the other side, leaning onto the bed on Mully's left. I smile. So peaceful. Besides the chaos out in the hallways.
Other people's lives are falling apart...and some are even loosing theirs.
I put my head back and fall asleep again, waking to someone poking my thigh. I open my eyes to see Gaege looking up at me, while poking me. I smile, and he gives me a playful smirk. Someone woke up happy.

Ok, so it happened a little faster than I thought it would...I'm traveling right now, so I'm on a good writing streak :) I think more is coming within the 30 enjoy :) Bye

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