Chapter 8 - "He's Gone?" - (Edited)

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   I don't know when I fell asleep, nor do I know for how long, but I was awoken by Gaege moving, so I open my eyes to see why. He gets up, and then I notice the doctor. I jump up, next to Gaege, walking in front of him, and watch the doctor, waiting for her to speak. She looks like she doesn't know how to tell us, and has a hard time staying still, but speaks fluently.
   "Mully is still stable, he should make it if nothing else happens. However," she pauses. She can't bring herself to speak. Josh. My heart sinks. I suddenly have the urge to burst into tears. Gaege seems to know too, because within a second, he's sobbing. I hug him, but still watch the doctor. She opens her mouth to speak, and hesitates, as if she doesn't want to say it out loud. "Josh, he...he didn't make it." She looks down. "I'm sorry for your loss, sir." She then looks at Gaege, and gives him a soft smile, and walks away. The words linger in my head.

Josh is gone? How is that possible? He didn't deserve to die. He was so happy.

I choke on the lack of breath. A sob works it's way up my throat. My grip loosens on Gaege, and I turn around to face Grant. He is now standing behind me, as I'm sure he heard everything. He was crying as well. He looks at me, worried. My eyes get blurry.

Josh isn't gone. It's not possible.

He reads the disbelief in my eyes. He comes over to hug me, and instead of allowing it, I put my hand slightly up, barely able to move. Paralyzed, yet again, at the sudden rush of events. He stops. He grabs my wrist, pushing my arm down to my sides. I don't have the energy or will to fight it. He keeps his hold on my wrist, as if expecting me to fight back. When I don't, he lets go, and moves in for a hug.

How are we going to tell his fans?

I take a step back, automatically walking away, but he continues.

There's no way he can be gone.

He must understand me more than I think, because he steps one big stride to me and embraces me. I start balling, and fold into myself. My knees buckle, and Grant guides me to the bench. I see Gaege kneel in front of me, and he starts crying another wave of tears with me. We stay for a little bit, taking in what has happened. My heart feels like a hole. My chest aches, feeling so empty. My mind doesn't seem to believe that it has happened. We were down to four.

Sorry for the short chapter, but yea, that's it for today :) Bye

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