Chapter 14 - This Moment is too Good -

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Mully's POV

   Each night since I went home to Eddie's, I've had nightmares of the day I got into the accident. It's still so surreal. I still have some pain, and I still have to take pills, but no amount of physical pain could be worse than this inescapable mental pain from the trauma and grief I'm experiencing at once. I still don't think it's truly hit me. I'm not going to see him anymore. Gaege keeps checking on me to make sure I'm ok, I'm fed, and my pain is low. I can't thank him enough. I think he can tell the trauma I'm seeing behind what I actually show. I adore him for that. Eddie makes sure I smile and laugh every once in while, making sure I have a little distraction, even if it's only for a few minutes. Grant makes sure I don't bottle or hide anything. They've all been looking out for me. The fact that's been creeping on me is that Josh's funeral was finally scheduled and planned, so it's been terrorizing all of us. It's been about 3 weeks since the accident, 1-2 weeks since I got discharged, and about 2 days till the funeral. Even Eddie has been lacking his spirit. Though, can I blame him? The pain I feel is excruciating, but going about your lives, getting a phone call that two of your friends are in the hospital? Not to mention Josh was crashing right in front of them (They told Mully what happened that day for them).
   I zone out often, replaying that day. It's never ending, and it's driving me insane. I can tell the boys are worried, but scared to say anything. They often give glances to each other as if to ask the other if they should question me about it or not, but they always end up subsiding it till sometime in the future.
Eddie's POV

Mully has been having dreams lately, and I don't know what to do or how to help him. Gaege seems to know though. We've all been staying at my place to make sure we take care of Mully, and all of us are sleeping lightly knowing that he's not doing good. Gaege always seems to know what to do, because when we hear Mully, as soon as Gaege gets to Mully's room, he comes back 2 minutes later looking relaxed; meaning he was able to help and get Mully back to sleep.

   Downstairs, Gaege is making dinner. He's been cooking a lot for us, which still baffles me he knows how to cook as good as he does (Inspiration from my brother. Slightly older than 22 but boy oh boy does he know how to cook, and just what to mix with what). I hear muffled words, then long notes. I realize he's singing, so I sneakily get to the stairs. I peek over the railing, seeing him shuffle around, adding seasoning to some foods, stirring a pot, and getting dinnerware while everything finishes it's cooking process. I slowly step down each stair. He muffles the words, slowly moving to the lyrics.

"I tried so hard"

Walk to the table.

"And got so far~"

Put the plates down around the table, silverware accompanying the lonely plates.

"But in the end..."

Turn towards the counter with food.

"It doesn't even matter~"

He whips his head around, unexpectant of someone finishing his lyrics. I giggle when his panic escapes his face to be filled up with love and humor. He smirks, and walks over to me, hugging me and burring his face into my chest. I hug back tightly. I think we all need as many hugs as possible right now. He lifts his head to look at me, and rises on his tippy toes to reach my mouth. He presses a kiss softly, before smiling and walking back to the food. I walk over to what he's made. He has cut potatoes in one pan, some steak in another, and vegetables in a bowl on the opposite counter. I snatch a potato and shove it in my mouth before he can do anything. He still catches me and smacks my hand.
   "No. That's the food for dinner." He demands. I giggle and walk over to the fridge. "Get some soda and waters while you're at it." He requests, and so I do. Grant walks in while I set everything on the table. He takes a deep breathe. "I thought I smelt something good!" He breathes out. I smirk, and Gaege giggles at the compliment. "Oi." Mully chimes, adding to our conversation. I turn my head to see him smiling at us. This is a precious moment. I don't ever want to loose it. I turn back around to see Gaege playing with Grant, Grant repeating exactly what I did with the potatoes, and Mully walking over to me.
   "How you feeling dawg?" I ask him. He smiles at my old phrase (hasn't been used in the last few weeks from the stress..having no genuine relaxation). He nods, and looks at me. "I'm feeling genuinely good today." He remarks with a wide grin on his face. His face is light, looking very well relaxed indeed.

I'm aware this Chapter is a little short, but I've been camping for the past few days that I've updated, so today was a little more busy than expected. However, I still love where this story is going...
   Let me know if I should do a POV of Josh right before or during the accident, or what dream he was having in the hospital. Love y'all <3
   :) Bye

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