Chapter 2 -Wanna go to my House?- (Edited)

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~ Gaege's POV ~

Walking down the aisle (not that aisle, if ya know what I mean), I hear, "Hey dawg!" Eddie! I look down the aisle and sure shit, there he stands, smiling at me. I get butterflies, but head down the aisle - with a quick grab of granola bars - towards Eddie. Even just going shopping he's adorable. Not a very guy thing to think or say, but he is. I suppose when you're gay, it doesn't really matter if you say it or not.
Of course, I would never tell him that though. That would ruin our friendship, and that would ruin the boys' connection, surely.
"Hey Eddie, what's up?" I question. "Getting groceries after realizing I have nothing at home." He responds with a little chuckle. I smile at his chuckle. I wish I could hear that everyday.
"How about you?" He questions back. "I'm not out, but I wanted some sugar or sweets or something, so I'm deciding to stock up." I laugh at my idiotic personality and need for junk food. He laughs in return, making my face feel warm.
We shop together, talking and catching up, going down every aisle, sometimes for me, sometimes for his stuff.
We check out, and walk to the parking lot. We walk the same way, so we keep talking.
"I don't have anything going on today, so do you wanna come over and hang out?" I ask. He smiles genuinely and responds. "Sure. Just let me drop by my house and put the food away, and I'll head right over." I smile on the inside but answer with "ok."
I walk over to my car, put the bags in the car, and drive home. I can't wait!

~ Eddie's POV ~

I get home and put my food away, then immediately head over to Gaege's house. I'm excited, and I haven't seen him in a while. I had noticed over the last year, I got really excited to see him, and noticed I liked him; I refused to let myself follow through with it though. It would ruin everything, and while I longed for him, I couldn't do that to the boys or to him.
I get to his house, and knock. He opens the door, smiling. I can't help but smile back. "Come in," he invites, so I step into the house. He says "I just made tacos if you want some," so in return, I smile slyly. "If? Dawg you know there's no if." I say with a wide grin on my face.
We eat and decide to watch some movies. We watch some comedy, which both Gaege and I make multiple smart-ass comments.
"What should we watch next?" He questions. I think, knowing he won't like my answer, so I answer anyway just to see his reaction. "Well. I was thinking some horror." I suggest. Before he can answer no and choose a non-horror movie, I snatch the remote and laugh. He looks annoyed but I can see some joking in his eyes.
"You dick head! Give me the remote. We're not watching a damn horror movie!" He yells at me. I just keep laughing and turn on a horror movie, then hide the remote. He scowls at me when the movie starts, then gets up and goes upstairs. My smile fades when he leaves, soon to relight when he walks downstairs with multiple blankets stacked in his arms, and about 3 different pillows. My shoulders shake from my silent laugh, and I look up to see him smirk. His side smile is so beautiful. He sits down next to me and gets situated.
Half way through the movie there's a jump scare, which doesn't scare me much, but makes him jump out of his skin. He crawls over by me, and cuddles up next to me. I smile, feeling butterflies. I can't help but love him.

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