Chapter 3 -The bar "he was just drunk"- (Edited)

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                      ~ Gaege's POV ~

   Eddie came over, and we ate some tacos. We watched some movies, and to his joy, he suggested a horror movie, knowing my response; he then took my remote.
   "You dick head! Give me the remote. We are not watching a damn horror movie!" I yell at him. I feel warm inside knowing he made that joke just to see my reaction. But I was still pissed. Being victorious, he turned on a horror movie and hid the fucking remote. I looked at him with a sour face. I went upstairs and grabbed a stack of blankets and pillows to cuddle with.
   About half way through the movie, a jump scare happened. Not thinking, I rush over to Eddie and cuddle him with all the blankets on me to not feel alone. Once I realized what I did, I was about to move, but I didn't feel Eddie move, so I stayed there and played it out. Eddie was so warm and comforting. He moved to make me more comfortable...perhaps too comfortable. My eyes started to feel heavy, and before I realized, I had fallen asleep in Eddie's arms.

                      ~ Eddie's POV ~

   The movie ended, and I was going to get up, but stopped when Gaege didn't move at my shifting. All that was coming from him was peaceful breathing. I look at him and noticed he fell asleep. In my arms. I smiled and debated whether or not I should carry him up to his room, or just stay here and not risk waking him up. After thinking I decide to stay here, and let Gaege get some rest. Besides, he's warm, cuddly and way too adorable to ruin this rare moment.

Or maybe not so rare.....

   I awoke from a loud smack and movement. I rush to sit up and see Gaege picking himself up from off the ground. "Gaege, dawg you ok?" I ask, a little worried. I wanted to make sure he didn't hit his head.
   "Yea, just a little uh... Startled. That's all," he responds nervously. Did I make the wrong move of keeping him there last night? Did he not want to be there? He was, after all, the one who got into the position, and even stayed and got more comfortable when I moved for him.
   He got up, and walked upstairs. 20 minutes later comes back down in a white tank top and grey sweatpants. His hair was a mess, and he looked tired as shit. God he was hot. I just wanted to go pick him up and kiss him all over to show him how beautiful he was. But just like all the other lectures I'd given myself, I told myself yet again how and why we couldn't be together and why I can't tell him. I get up and start a conversation.
   "So, you sleep good last night?" I ask. He pauses for a split second but continues on to make breakfast. "Yea, I suppose," he responds. I smile. He must feel a little nervous. Could that mean he likes me? Thinking about it, I come back to the moment as I get a call from Grant.
   "Yo wassup?" I start off with. I put him on speaker so Gaege can here too. "Yo. I was talkin to Mully and Josh, and they were gonna go to the bar. We wanted to know if you wanted to join us," he asks. I look at Gaege and he nods his head. "Sure, Gaege and I are down for it" I respond. We hang up and I think about it. I didn't bring any extra clothes to change into today.
"Shit, I don't have anything to change into." I state aloud quietly. Gaege must be paying attention to me, because he looks at me, and tells me, "you can use some of my clothes if you want."
"Sure." I answer.
   I walk upstairs to go change. I choose some black jeans, a black tee -cause that seems to be the only color besides white that Gaege owns; and his Juicy sweatshirt.
   I put it on, and it smells like him. I love him so much, though he doesn't -and can't- know that.
   I walk downstairs and he stops in his tracks. He stares at me and I smirk. I make my way over to the counter and grab a granola bar. "What?" I ask, taking a bite of the bar. "N-nothing" he responds.
   The day goes by fairly slowly, but soon enough, it's past dinner.
   Gaege and I make our way to the car, and drive to the bar in the city.

   We get to the bar, and we walk in. We immediately see the boys at the bar counter, and walk over.
   "Heeeeyyyyyyy," Josh slurs. I look at Gaege with a knowing look, and he looks back the same way. "You ok big guy?" Gaege asks Josh, patting his shoulder. "I'm fine dude. Come sit!" He says. We sit down, and the boys order a few beers for themselves. I don't order any alcohol, me being the DD and all (in case you don't know what a DD is, it's a designated driver. They drive people back to their houses, apartments, and hotels so they stay safe. Get it, got it, good 👍🏽). Then they start doing shots.
By Midnight, they're all drunk and laughing without control. Once they settle down, I suggest we go. "I think..that's a good...uh. Idea!" Grant slowly states. I help them walk to the car, one by one. When I come back to get Gaege, he's barely sustaining balance. I decide to pick him up and carry him back after watching him almost bump into multiple people and walls.
I figure I'll go back to Gaege's, being how my stuff is there, and so I can get them all in beds. Gaege is on the couch sleeping, so I keep him there and get some headache pills and water next to them all for in the morning. I get some blankets and a pillow for Gaege, and when I do, he sits up and smiles.
"Gaege, you need to lay down and sleep." I tell him, nudging his chest with my hand to get him to lay back down. "Nooooo!" He says loudly. "Shut up dude, you're gonna wake everyone up." I demand. He grabs my collar from the sweatshirt and pulls me down on the couch. "Dawg, you're drunk. Let go." I say, a little flustered. He doesn't say anything, and pushes me down; he's surprisingly strong for him being drunk.
He kisses me. He fucking kisses me!
I'm shocked at first but relax into it. Then it hits me. I push him back. "Dude. You're too drunk. Lay down and get some sleep. You'll regret it in the morning if you do that." I state firmly. In a few moments, he's out cold and I sigh from relief. He's asleep. I get shorts on, keep the hoodie on, and sleep in his bed for the night. I crawl into bed, and lay down on my back. I stare at the ceiling, thinking about that kiss.
No, Eddie. He was drunk, he probably didn't actually mean the kiss. I roll over, tossing and turning for an hour, thinking. My eyes get heavier, probably from the long ass night. My eyes flutter closed, with Gaege in my mind.

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