Chapter 12 - "You ready?" **SMUT** -

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~ Gaege's POV ~

We say bye to mully, and drive back home. Grant decided to with us for the night. I've been in a goofy mood all day, and I still have no idea why. Grant has already fallen asleep in the guest bedroom, and Eddie's already in bed. After making sure all lights are off, the stove and everything is off, and everything is locked, I go upstairs and get a sweatshirt and shorts on. I go to lay in bed, and Eddie turns around to face me. I smile, and so does he. However, he smiles mischievously. He uncovers himself and gets up, he's shirtless, and is in shorts as well.
"Eddie?" I ask, a little confused. He doesn't say anything, but he smirks. I start backing up, taking one step back when he takes one step forward. He backs me against the wall, and continues to walk until he's inches from my face. He just stands there, with his sly smirk, looking me in my eyes. I peck his lips, and try to go around him so I can go to bed, but he grabs my wrist. He flips me around so my back facing the wall again, and puts both my arms against the wall by my head.
"Eddie, what are you doing??" I ask him, knowing just a little bit where he wants to go. Do I want to go there right now?
"You wanted to know my limit for your needs. Here it is." He says, in a dominant tone. He leans forward and kisses me, slipping his tongue in. He has a passion for me I've never seen in him before, even when I made the move. I relax, enjoying every minute of it. He pauses for breathe. Do I truly want to go there?


He comes after me again, and removed one of his hands from my wrists, sliding my sweatshirt off, and works his way down my chest, to my stomach, then to my waist, still working his tongue on me. I arch my back to lean into him, and he picks me up.
He carries me to the bed, and lays me down softly. He kisses me briefly, then works his way to my neck. I make a soft moan as he continues. I can feel myself grow hard, now. He pauses and studies me closely, rubbing my chest, and softly sliding his hands from my stomach down to my waist, pulling my shorts down. He kisses my stomach, and I arch my back, my body filling with pleasure. He takes his shorts off as well.
Why does he have to be so sexy in his boxers.

His hair was messy from me entangling my fingers in it. I was hard and very turned on. He took his off, and he was hard too. He leads me over to the bed, laying me down underneath him. He went back to my neck and kissed the further backside of my neck, hitting my sweet spot. I moaned slightly louder as he abused my sweet spot. "You ready?" He asked seductively. I nod, biting my bottom lip.

~ Eddie's POV ~

"You ready?" I ask Gaege, in the most seductive way I can manage. He bits his bottom lip, and nods. I push it in, and he winces a little in pain. I kiss him to distract him from the pain. Working down his neck, nibbling his sweet spot, then slowly push in and out. He moans softly at first, quickly getting louder. I get a little faster and deeper, and he moans louder than any other time. I panic a little, kissing him on the lips to keep him from moaning too loudly, and waking up Grant. I continue. He bites his lips, trying not to moan loudly.
"F-faster baby" he whimpers. I smirk. "Anything for you mi amor." He blushes while I grant his wish. He opens his mouth, but makes no sound. I kiss him quickly, making sure it stays quiet. While we kiss, he groans in pleasure. I moan slightly, and slow down. His hand was in my thigh, and his other was on my my waist. I pulled out, and did a half push-up so I could kiss him softly to finish. I fall beside him, and he leans into me, putting his hand on my chest, and resting his head on my arm. I kiss his forehead, and he looks up at me, smiling lovingly.
"Did that fulfill your needs?" I ask him. He nods, and says, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that." I smirk when he kisses my neck. I glance over at the clock to see 11:34pm.
"We should go to bed mi amor" I say much to my distaste, not really wanting to be done. He pauses, kisses me one last time, and snuggles back up. I cover us with the blankets and close my eyes.

So.... I am VERY sorry for those hate smut..or think it's gross. I kinda just had a moment. Believe me, it was a little weird to write, but I was still in a mood and on a roll. Hope you enjoyed anyway

:) Bye

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