New Book

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   Hi. So no one is saying anything about if they want this damn book to keep going, or if they want me to end it, so I'll end it here. If you guys do want me to keep going, I can, you just have to let me know.
   However, the other day, a few days after I posted this last chapter, I got an idea. It's not gonna be a gay fanfiction, but it will infact be another Boys Fanfiction.

   The plot is, there are two girls that have somewhat abusive back-stories. They meet in Highschool, Junior year, and get closer as the years go on. By the time they're 20, they live together in an apartment. They both work, and help pay rent (meaning they split the bill in glad, so one pays half and the other pays the other half). Kathryn and Haven.

   I'm 98% positive those are their names, but I guess I'll know 100% when the time comes. Kathryn will fall for Eddie, and Haven will fall for Gaege. It'll be in everyone's perspectives. Literally. I'll do most of them in Kathryn, Haven, Eddie, and Gaege's perspectives, however it will also be in Josh and Mully's POV's with their intimate relationship, and Grant with his girlfriend. Still trying to figure out a name. I'm thinking Amber, but I'm not sure. Reekid will also be in this, but only every once in a while.

  So yea. New book, and the end of this one. I can make more chapters for this one, but I won't unless you let me know.

Thx :) Bye

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