Chapter 4 -The Hangover- (Edited)

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                        ~ Gaege's POV ~

   I wake up with a massive headache. I open my eyes, looking into the ceiling. I look over to look at my clock, now realizing I'm on the couch, not in my bed. I don't remember much after we started taking shots.
I look into the kitchen, no one is there. I walk over to the guest bedrooms, assuming Eddie brought everyone here instead of driving all over the city just to bring everyone back home. I go to guest bedroom one, and see Josh and Mully snuggled up. I smirk knowing that when they wake up, we know exactly where it's going. I groggily waddle over to guest bedroom two, getting more pounding in the head. Grant's sleeping in that bed. He looks peaceful, so I just smile. He's one of the most important parts of the boys. He's wholesome, supportive of all of us, and can break up fights. Verbal and physical. Makes me sad to know we aren't as supportive or don't listen to him as much. I note in the back of my head to talk to him about how he's been doing lately.
Then I think about Eddie. He must've slept in my bed last night since I don't have any other bedrooms, I think. I walk down to the end of the hall and sure enough, he's fast asleep, in a ball, cuddling pillows, sun shining through the curtains to light up his features. My body suddenly sends a wave of warmth through my veins. What I'd do to be cuddling and laying with him right now.
I go back downstairs to the couch and sit down to check my phone. I wince as another throb of pain rushes through my head. Getting up to get some pills for my headache and water, I notice them already on the lamp stand (idk what you'd call it. On the sides of the couch by the arm rests). Pills, glass of water, and a note.

   Here's some pills for your
headache, and water for the
pills. Take it easy while getting
up :)
                   ~ Eddie

   I smile lovingly. He knew we'd have huge hangovers. Eddie; Always thinking. I take the pill, and continue to scroll through Instagram until eventually my stomach growls. I should eat.
  I start making breakfast and wait for the boys to wake up.
  I'm at the counter scrolling through TikTok when I hear footsteps on the stairs. I turn around to see Eddie walking down the stairs rubbing his eyes.
   "Morning sleepyhead," I say softly, chuckling to myself. He's too cute when he wakes up. He turns the corner from the stairs to face the kitchen. When he does, he looks up at me and smiles, looking exhausted.
   "Morning. How is your head?" He asks. I shrug. "Could be better, but could also be worse," I respond. He looks at the counter, which has breakfast sitting there. He smiles and starts putting the food on his plate. As he's eating, he keeps glancing up at me.
   "Is there something you need to talk to me about?" I question. He looks back down, a little nervous. He sighs, and finishes the food in his mouth before looking up at me. He must notice my worried expression because he grins, shakes his head, and says "it's nothing too serious."
I just continued to look at him, letting him figure out how to say whatever it is that he has to tell me. He hesitates before speaking.
"Yesterday, I brought everyone up to your guest bedrooms. I was going to bring you up to your room, but you looked like you were already passed out on the couch, so I decided to keep you on your couch for the night. No way I was going to try to carry you after being passed out. After I gave the other boys their pills for the hangover, I brought yours down. As I did, you pulled me down by the collar and I fell beside you. As I went to get back up..." he pauses, hesitant on if he wants to keep going. I just look at him, waiting to see what comes out of his mouth next. He sighs again.
   "Gaege." I wait, curious, yet a little worried. Knowing where this might be headed.
   "You kissed me yesterday," he says softly, trying not to say it too loud as if the boys were to hear.

Aaaaaand a To Be Continued~
Not exactly, cause I'm gonna post 1-2 more chapters today cause I have them ready..but uh....yea
More to come :)

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