Chapter 10 - Grief - (Edited)

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~ Mully's POV ~

I opened my eyes to see the boys laying in the chairs. Grant was next to me, though I could barely see him. I could barely turn my head. Eddie was in the chair at the opposite side of thebed at my feet, and Gaege was laying across him, cuddling him. I don't remember what happened. All I remember is the Semi coming from the driver side of the car. We had the right away while driving, but the truck must've just thought he could run right through the stop sign. Josh.

Where is Josh? Is he ok? How bad is he in pain? Did he even make it?!

Frantic, I went to sit up and wake up the boys and ask where he is or if he'd made it, but it pained me too much to move very fast or too much.

I hope Josh is ok...

I was getting tired again, so I just decided to rest.
I woke up again to talking, and opened my eyes to see Eddie and Gaege talking, Gaege still laying atop Eddie cuddling, and smiling. Eddie giggled, and Gaege smacked Eddie on the top of the head. Eddie started laughing, but stayed relatively quiet. Gaege leaned into Eddie and looked like he fell asleep again. Eddie held Gaege to himself with one hand, and held his phone, scrolling through what I'm assuming is Instagram or Twitter, maybe even Reddit with the other. He glanced up then back down, but quickly looked up when he realized I was awake. I smiled the best I could, and he smiled and looked back down. I was so extremely bored, but I was also in a lot of pain. My mind kept wandering to Josh.

Was he ok? If he was, would he be in this room?

I heard quiet arguing, though I'm not sure about what. I then heard rustling, and then footsteps. Someone was right next to me so I opened my eyes. Grant was next to me grabbing his hoodie. He stood up straight and turned around. "Guess we don't have to worry about that. Evidently we were loud enough." He stated, slightly annoyed.
They said their good-byes, and I was left in the room alone.

~ Eddie's POV ~

All three of us had seemed to be in a better mood since we had gone to visit Mully. I think we were all relieved he had woken up. After what happened with Josh, I think we were starting to worry Mully wouldn't wake up.
I had been a little more energetic, so I was able to get up and do stuff, but I still constantly thought about Josh and what we'd done, what memories we'd made, and what legacy he'd left.

When would we tell his fans? How devastated are they gonna be? How are we gonna tell them?

Thinking about it, I didn't realize I'd started crying until Gaege ran over to hug me. "Baby, what's wrong?" He questioned me in a worried tone. When I realized I had started crying, I replied. "Nothing mi amor. I guess I was just thinking about Josh, and started crying without realizing it. Sorry." He hit my chest, and I stumbled back in shock. "Don't you fucking dare be sorry for missing him. We all miss him, and it's ok to cry over his loss." He stated. I leaned down and kissed him softly, and he relaxed into the kiss.
Later that night, I was rolling around, unable to fall asleep and stay asleep. After laying in a position for a while in silence, I heard someone crying. I was a little confused at first, but then I realized it was Gaege. I rushed out of bed, and ran to the bathroom, but no one was in there. I ran downstairs to the kitchen, and he was sitting at the table, watching one of The Boys' videos. My heart immediately sank, and I walked up next to him. He heard me, cause he turned his head, looking down as if to hide himself from showing me that he was crying. Without a word, he got up, and wrapped his arms around me, so I did the same. Holding him tightly, not letting go. He started to sink, so I picked him up and brought him upstairs, pausing the video before going to the bed. I figure if he ends up falling asleep, at least he'll get a comfortable sleep in the bed.
When I sat down, with him in my lap, he folded into me completely. He broke down, and I just held him as tightly as possible. It hurt me to see him like this, but we all need our chances to grieve, and right now, I was the person to hold him, and right now was the time for it to happen.
We sat there for what seemed to be 30 minutes and I looked at the time. It was 4am, and Gaege was still awake, but no longer sobbing. He's been telling me about some of the calls that he'd had with Josh, and some of his favorite videos with him as well. I had started crying too, but only because it pained me to hear and see him like that.
He paused, and I looked down at him to see why, but froze when I saw him looking up at me. He was looking at me with a desire I couldn't quite pin point. He rose up slightly, and touched his lips to mine. I relaxed into it, and it slowly turned into a make out session. We had a passionate fire burning between us as we kept going.
We started moving our hands. My hands worked their way up his back, to the back of his head. The back of his neck. His worked their way to my hair, playing with my hair, entangling his hands in it. His other hand started to go down, and stopped at my waist. He twisted so he was in top, straddling me, and moved his hand from my hip, down to my sweatpants. I broke the kiss slightly inching him away, trying to tell him that's not where I wanted to go. He got the signal as he paused but ignored it, as he continued.
I pushed back harder, and broke the kiss completely. We were both out of breath, and he looked at me with a desire, now knowing what it was. He had a hint of grieve, and a hint of sadness at me pushing him away. He sat on his heels, and I sat up. I looked at him apologetically, and started.
"Mi amor, I know you're hurting from the loss of Josh. It's been hard on all of us. I'll always be here to comfort you, but I don't want to do that yet. I don't want to go that far yet, especially since Josh hasn't been gone that long and you're still hurting from all of it." I was looking at him in his eyes. More grieve passed through his eyes, and his expression looked as though he was about to cry, but he didn't.
He looked down.

He got off the bed, went to the closet and got a sweatshirt and some shorts on, and came back over, climbing into bed. I was still sitting up, but based off his choice of clothing, he layed back down, and got set up for cuddling. He got under the covers, and snuggled right up next to me; leaning his head into my chest.
It was barely audible, but it was there.
"I'm sorry baby."
I looked down at him, and he lifted his head to look at me in the eyes. "You're right. I'm hurting a lot. I don't know what came over me, but I shouldn't have done it." I smiled, and kissed his forehead.
"It's ok. Let's try and get some sleep for now." I paused. "Even though it is technically 'tomorrow'," I laughed, and he giggled. He fell asleep in my arms first. Content, I fell asleep till noon later that day, awoken from soft movement, and feeling strokes in my hair. "Mi amor, are you playing with my hair," I questioned playfully, a little exhausted from everything recently. All I heard was a tiny breathy giggle from Gaege's mouth, and I just smiled.
"I love you baby," he said. I could sense the smile in his words.
"I love you too mi amor" I replied, and this time snuggled my head into his chest.

Another chapter is being worked on right now, so I should have one in about 30 minutes to an hour...Hope you enjoyed this chapter :) Bye

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