Garmadon Hiding

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(A nice day, until Garmadon runs into Lloyd's room)

Garmadon: Luh-Lloyd! You gotta hide me!

Lloyd: Uhh..?

Garmadon: Just do it!

Lloyd: Uhh you can hide in the closet I guess.

(Misako runs in the room)

Misako: Lloyd, where is Garmadon?

Lloyd: Hiding-

Misako: Ok, I'll check downstairs, bye!

Lloyd: And she didn't let me finish.

Garmadon: Luh-Lloyd is she gone?

Lloyd: Yeah.. but why are you hiding from mom?

Garmadon: Well she's making me do nice lessons, BLEGH. Soo I'm hiding 

Lloyd: Yeah this is too weird, I'm just gonna go-

Garmadon: Wait Luh-Lloyd, how about we go on an adventure!

Lloyd: But there's Covid

Garmadon: Somewhere no man or NINJA has ever gone before!

Lloyd: And where's that?

Garmadon: That guy's house who I traded like a jacket for MY guitar-

Lloyd: Are you still on that!? 

Garmadon: Indeed I am, so let's go-

Lloyd: No.

Garmadon: But Luh-Lloyd please!

Lloyd: No.

Garmadon: But my guitar-

Lloyd: Nope

Garmadon: But the-

Lloyd: Still no.

Garmadon: BUT-

Lloyd: No.

Garmadon: UGHH

Lloyd: You know what, how about you go yourself, and tell me all about it.

Garmadon: Oh yes Luh-Lloyd! I'll be right back!

(An hour later)

Garmadon: Luh-Lloyd you'll never believe it!

Lloyd: What?

Garmadon: I did SO many things. Like I swinged from a rope, and then crossed a DEADLY rope bridge, and there was this HUGE crab, and it was like no MATCH for me, but after then I finally, GOT MY GUITAR!

Lloyd: None of that stuff happened.

Garmadon: No it didn't

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