4. SeokJin in Dilemma

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*2 Year's Later...*

Dear Taehyung

Tae, how are you? My School is very nice over here, like I told you I have meet so many good friends. You know, my closet friends Hoseok and Yoongi, we all go to stadium this week. I even learn how play baseball and cricket. You know cricket has it's own craze here. They have 11 players in each team, some are batsman, and some are bowlers, some can even do every task, they are called all-rounders. Taehyungie, let me tell you, the rules aren't that easy, but onces you started learning it, you'll know everything automatically.

I know we don't play that sport, but I would love to teach you new stuff when we'll meet. I will teach you how play baseball too. Do you play any games over there, or Mr. Yoon is still like that, Makes you run around the school like always. Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣

How's Little Koo ?! Do write back 🥺♥️

Love, Jimin.


Jungkook read the letter, his shining doe eyes couldn't help but, shine more reading the letter from his Jiminie Hyung. Jungkook loves to know more about Jimin's life. And Jimin also loves to get response from Jungkook, whom he thinks it's Taehyung.

"Cricket sounds fun, and baseball too! I will ask Jin Hyungie to teach me rules so, me and Jimin Hyung will have one more common stuff between us." Little Jungkookie bit his lips again, before reading the rest of the letter.

Jeon Jungkook 10 years old now, has started to write Jimin when he was 8 years old. It's been two years, but still nothing has changed.

The little one still writes to Jimin, of course using Taehyung's name. He still haven't told Jimin, that he is Jungkook who is writing those letters to him, Not Taehyung! It was never Taehyung!

The little boy never thinks about it! He Never thought about the consequences, he never thought about what will happen if Jimin finds this out! What if he hates him?! What if Jimin don't like it?! And what about Taehyung?! How will he reacts, when he'll know what his best friend doing behind his back.

Little Koo doesn't know yet, he was just happy Writing letters to his Jimin Hyung! Who always ask about him in his every letter! And Jungkook couldn't help but feel that his Jimin Hyung do care about him.

Afterall 'Jungkook' is most precious part of Jimin's life. And for Jungkook, well for the little boy, his Jimin Hyung was his own 'little world'!

As usual it was Sunday, and he happen to find out SeokJin watching baseball game on TV. It was a repeat telecast, but still Jungkook ask SeokJin so many questions, that he has to ask the boy "Did your Jiminie Hyungie watch baseball game too?! That's why you're asking me so many questions, right ?!"

Jungkook nodes, looking down as SeokJin sigh "Why don't you ask your Jimin Hyungie about the rules then!" He ask.

"Jiminie Hyungie can't! He is still learning the game and I want to help him, Hyung please, teach me the rules!" Jungkook plead, his big doe eyes determine to learn new things.

"Fine I'll tell you! Because I want you to learn new stuff, not for your Jiminie Hyung! Okay?!" SeokJin tells him as Jungkook node hurriedly.

"Do you know how to play Cricket?!" Jungkook ask, when SeokJin done teaching him rules for baseball.

"Cricket?!" He ask as Koo nodes, making his hair flip.

"Hmmm... I heard, It's really interesting game, it has 11 players and the game can take turns anytime. Any teame can win at the end of the game. Nothing is decided over there, If we think this teams going to win, on the very next movement other teams play better and wins the game. So nothing is decided there, we don't know who's gonna win until the end."

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