11. Baby Bride

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A/N : Hello Everyone! I hope everyone are doing well, I'm here to tell you that I'll be gone until my final exams are over! I'll be back in August!

To those who are waiting for 'The Royal Baby' update, I'm really sorry guys, but I seriously can't update right now, even 'Fallacy of Love' update is pending. This uni making my brain fry🤦🏻‍♀️so I'm so sorry but I'll be offline. I'll miss you all 😭😭

Wish me good luck ☘️ and to those who have exams Good luck guys, do well in your exams. 💜💜💜

'Jungkook's birth time' :

Jimin skip the step to ran straight toward Bo Young's ward, as soon as he gets down from the car, while Taehyung followed him with his little feet, taking him toward the hospital.

Little Minnie was very excited to meet his baby bride, as he used to talk to Jungkook every day. Seojun has to stop his excited baby, and pick him up in his arms, before he bumps into someone else and cause trouble for them.

"Eommoni~" he sang, hugging Bo Young tightly.

"Minnie~" Bo Young hug him tightly.

"Where is Jinnie?" she ask Seojun as he answer her, "He is taking care of Joonie. He said he'll come back to meet this little fella later".

Bo Young and Hyung Sik smile, knowing how much Jin cares about Joon.

Little Jimin smile brightly saying, "Eommoni, Mimi came to meet little bun".

"Mimi wants to meet bun!" seeing Jimin's charming eye smile, Bo Young node, and pointed at a cradle, where the new born baby was sleeping.

"Tae-Tae wants to see Bun too!" Taehyung was quite for sometimes, but he spoke when Jimin said he wanted to meet Jungkook.

Hyung Sik take the little baby, and showed it too Jimin and Tae. Little Jimin's eyes shine as he look at the baby, while Tae look at him in awe.

Little Tae was about to touch Jungkook's cheeks, when Little Jimin stops him.

"Mimi will see his baby bride first! Mimi will take him first! Then Tae-Tae can play with him" Jimin said, wanting to take Jungkook from Hyung Sik's hand.

Everyone thought it's Jimin's affection toward Koo, but for Jimin it wasn't just affection, Little Koo was his life back then, he used to adore him more than anyone, even now!

"Tae-Tae wants to play first" Little Tae's eyes were filled with tears.

Jimin hug him saying "After Mimi, Tae-Tae can play with him. Or we will play together."

"You powmis?" Little Tae ask him.

Jimin smile showing his pinky "Mimi Powmis!" and they did pinky swear, indeed after Jimin's turn, he gave little Koo to Taehyung to hold him, but not for a while, as he took Jungkook again from him, saying 'Pinky bun needs sleep, let him sleep. Mimi and Tae-Tae will play with him later'.

When Jimin take Jungkook in his arms, he giggle, poking the soft cotton cheeks, he said "Bun is so soft. Just like cotton candy"

"And he is pinkish too!" Tae poke Koo's other cheeks.

"Pinkish Bun!" Jimin give him new nickname, while peaking his little nose.

"Eomma, my baby bride is here! Eomma Mimi wants to marry him, now" Jimin said, taking Koo's hand in his.

Min Young laugh saying "Minnie, you can't right now..." Jimin pouted, but giggle as she says something further "But when you will be as tall as your appa, you can!"

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