20. I Like You!

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🐋A/ N : Hii! How are you all doing?!

Before you started to read this chapter, I would like to say that, Hoseok & Taehyun is just a ship for this 'BOOK'! There's no way I'm shipping them personally! It's just for this book, I choose them! And please take it as a story, coz I don't ship them (it's just I like their interaction that's why, otherwise no). This chapter is stories need, & you'll find out soon why! 🐋

I heard Hobi Oppa is also leaving for military, I mean I still haven't healed from Seokjin and now this😭 let's just hope they'll come back safely🥺💜

Trouble 3 : Hoseok & Taehyun 🦄🐿

They all left the corridor, while TXT following Hoseok, and Taehyun feeling awkward, as soon as they reach toward Hoseok's car, Taehyun began to talk.

"Why are you here Hyung? I didn't tell you to come here, now there are more rumours." He mumbles the last part, which Hoseok heard and feel hurt.

Hoseok held his both hands in his, trying to look in Taehyun's eyes, who was looking down. "Hyunie... I didn't mean to hurt you or start any rumours about you... I just wanted to take you home, since you're driving alone there. Let me drop you.... Yeah..."

Hoseok never wanted anything which isn't his, but he only wants the younger love.

At least 'trust'.

Taehyun was so close to him since they know each other, but since Hoseok's parents wanted them to get married, Taehyun suddenly started to distance himself from Hoseok.

He always thinks this engagement is a burden for Hoseok, and Hoseok is only fulfilling his duties, and doesn't like him truly. Hoseok was filthy rich, his father was officer while his mother used to run their business, which is now Hoseok's!

Taehyun's family has a grape farm, and they had very good relations with Hoseok's family. Since Hoseok's dad saw how Taehyun can make Hoseok smile, he decided to take this proposal to Tae's parents, who accepted it. Taehyun only agrees because of his family, otherwise he only sees Hoseok as his Hyung.


Hoseok asks as Taehyun nodes thinking 'Do I have a choice?!'

They were outside TXT's dorm, Taehyun done packing his stuffs as Hoseok waits. TXT lives together in one dorm, since Taehyun was going to visit his parents, Hoseok wanted to accompany him, and wanted to talk about something with Taehyun, before he talks to his parents.

"Taehyun-ah enjoy your weekend" Beomgyu said as he hugs Taehyun.

"As if I'm! You know everything still" Taehyun whispered.

"Taehyunie do listen to Hyung and don't piss him off" Yeonjun warned as Taehyun rolled his eyes, giving him look.

"Hyunie lets think about everything you're doing now. Don't hurt him just because you think this engagement is burden. Be good okay." Soobin hugged as he told Taehyun.

"Enjoy Hyunie" Hyuka smile.

"Let's go baby" Hoseok said, opening the door for him. Taehyun node smiling. "I'll text you soon".

Taehyun sat beside Hoseok as they drove, Hoseok himself drove there, as he doesn't want any disturbance. Their journey went in silence, listening songs and talking about few things. In only one hour they reach at Taehyun's house.

"Hoseok-ssi, please come inside" Mrs. Kang said, very happy to see Hoseok with Taehyun.

"Eommoni, call me Hoseok please" Hoseok greeted them with a bright smile, and help Taehyun to get his luggage out.

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