15.Messy Morning for Jikook!

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A/N : Fallacy of Love will be update in 2 weeks!💜

They both sat up straight on the bed, not facing each other. Jungkook look here and there before getting up. Jimin was about to say something when he heard "Jimin, Jungkook get up and come downstairs" Bo Young voice rang in their ear making them both rush out of the room.

"Eomma" Jungkook pants standing on stairs, Jimin following him.

"Koo! It's 10 am already! How long you both kept sleeping?" she scolded him, Jungkook look down, trying to hide his red cheeks.

"Eomma... that..."

"Aigoo, Bo Young let them sleep. Don't scold my Koo. Aigoo Koo, aren't you getting thinner?!" Min Young suddenly asked making Jimin look at Jungkook's petite body.

Jungkook used to look bluff in his baggy clothes, even inch taller than Jimin, but seeing him in his pajamas Jimin knows he is got thinner than before. He never thought his little bunny to grow up inch taller than him and looking at how skinny he got Jimin's worry reach to its peak.

Jungkook was wearing his green tadpole pajamas, in which his petite body can outline perfectly. Jimin was watching how quickly Jungkook look up, trying to say something, as he was standing right behind him.

Jimin saw how much he has loosened weight and become skinnier. Jimin's eyes wonders from head to toe, from his round purple silky but messy hair, to his milky neck which was red by shyness now. His firm back, tiny waist to his peach looking cute butt. From his meaty things to his tiny paws, Jimin was carefully checking him out.

"Unnie didn't I told you about his accident few years ago, since then he rapidly lose weight. Koo, Jimin go freshen up and come to eat quickly" Bo Young told Min Young as she remembers the incident.

Jungkook turned to leave when Jimin hold his hand stopping him "You had an accident? When? Why no one inform me about this? Not even you Koo?" He said looking at Jungkook worriedly, who was staring down toward his feet.

Jimin was really concern 'That's why he is looking so thin' his concern was visible in his eyes, but Jungkook didn't see it as he was looking down.

>>> 'I did tell you, in that email few years back'

"It was an old accident Hyung. Nothing to worry" Jungkook get out of his grip, he remembers something, turning he asked his mother.

"Eomma why Jimin Hyung is in my room?"

"Ask your father! He didn't renovate Jimin's room! So, he's staying with you for a while." She answered him as his father showed up.

"What do you mean? Eomma what... what about Jimin Hyung's privacy and my—my studies!" Jungkook ask them, remembering what happened this morning.

"Why?! You don't want me to stay with you? Dear Jungkookie! I'm so sad Jungkookie!" Jimin pouted and acted like a child, which makes Jungkook giggle.

Jimin lean closer to Jungkook saying "Beside we can cuddle like this morning... like we used to do when we were little!" Jimin tease the poor bun, his face was getting so red and hot by nervousness.

"H-hyung... what are you..?" He stutters while his doe eyes getting big.

Jimin laugh, patting his head he said "Calm down bun! I'm just teasing you!"

"Hyung!" Jungkook pouted.

"And you guys might have to share the room for a while!" Jungkook look at his father Hyung Sik who announce suddenly making him look beyond shocked.

"Sorry baby, the workers aren't coming today. They'll come tomorrow, maybe Jimin will get his room in 4-5 days!" Hyung Sik told Jungkook, who was so close to cry over his faith.

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