13. Suspicious Things

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A/N : Happy Birthday to Koo 🎂🥳🎂. I was about to update but then I saw Koo was live so I was watching his live 🤭 & Seokjin also showed up so I was watching it while editing the chapter🤭🤭.

I will post Fallacy of Love and The Royal Baby's update soon, not now coz I'm sick and feeling low & my brain isn't working because of all my clg stress 🙆🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😭 and I wanted those chapters to written beautifully, that's why I'm taking time. Let's wait for few weeks 🥺❤️💜 once again Happy Birthday to my lovely Son Koo 🎂🥳.

"Where is Jimin?" Hyung Sik ask the couple.

"He was right behind us. Oh there he is!" SeoJun pointed at a handsome boy walking behind them.

Jimin look up and smile, dragging his luggage. His wondering eyes catches a small figure peeking behind his mother's. His enchanting doe eyes send spark to Jimin's heart, as he felt his heart skip a beat.

He stops dead in his track and lost in those big eyes, he whispers, "Jungkook! My Koo!"

Jungkook look up to found out, a Sliver hair male was walking behind SeoJun. Jungkook recognize quickly that it's his Jiminie Hyungie, when he saw the light blue eyes looking directly at him.

It was like they recognize their soulmates heart, just by looking at each other.

Jimin standing still in his track when his mother called him. "Minnie come here" Min Young said. As Jimin shake his head and goes toward their direction.

"Abboji. How are you? OMG you're still looking so handsome! Can you tell me how did you manage to look this young? I mean I can try!" Jimin said complementing Hyung Sik.

"This child! I'm getting old my child, I'm not young and handsome like you now. Look at him, he grew up so handsome!" Hyung Sik said messing Jimin's hair.

"Abboji, not my hair" Jimin whine, Jungkook giggle looking at them. Jimin's ear quickly caught the sweet melody, when he looked at the direction, Jungkook quickly become silent and blush a little, looking here and there.

Jimin's gaze was so sharp that Jungkook felt little in front of him, his dominating aura makes Jungkook squirm in his place, and he felt a little uncomfortable, making it feel like Jimin will eat him alive.

"Oh, so he is Jimin! Wow, I never expected the nerd to turn out to be this handsome. He is even more handsome than Jin Hyung! One month, right? Leave it upto me! I'll manage him, he won't suspect a thing!" Taehyung's eyes didn't move from Jimin, he has a different spark in his eyes, that Jungkook has never witnesses.

Jungkook pouted a little, frowning his soft brows, his eyes again caught Jimin's, who smirk looking at him. Jungkook got shocked a little when he saw Jimin coming toward their way.

Jimin's gaze didn't halt from Jungkook, until he reached toward them. Jungkook's heartbeat fasten seeing him coming toward them.

But his heart soon felt a small pang when Jimin walk past him, completely ignoring Jungkook.

"And You must be Taehyung, right?" Jimin said in such a flirtatious way, that Jungkook felt like his heart stops for a second, and an uneasy feeling surrounded him.

"Wow you became more beautiful than I ever thought!" Jimin complement Taehyung, as he chuckles.

"You're also not bad looking. I honestly didn't expect a nerd like you could look this good!" Taehyung said with so much attitude that it makes both Jimin and Jungkook to chuckle.

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