29.Then Kiss Me!!

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*Inside the small restaurant*

Jungkook gulps down another glass of soju, as his friends kept trying to stop him. Jungkook kept talking and drinking, talking and drinking, while his friends look worried.

"Did you call Tae?" Bambam ask.

"He isn't answering my calls..." Yugyeom replied, dialling Taehyung's number again.

"Try calling his Jiminie Hyung!" Mingyu suggested.

Eunwoo takes Jungkook's phone from him as he told the boy to unlock the phone, when Jungkook scolded him, "Don't call him! He is a very bad person! Very bad!" and gulp down another shot of soju.

Yugyeom still tried again, "Come on Jungkook tell us your Jiminie Hyungie's number~" he sang.

"Jiminie Hyungie~~" Jungkook's eyes sparkles as he unlocks his phone and handed to Yugyeom. Yugyeom wasted no time as he dials Jimin's number.

"Jiminie Hyungie is soooo cute!!" Jungkook kept muttering, meanwhile as soon as Jimin finds out where he was, he rushes toward his car and drove toward the nearby place where they were. The poor boy was searching for his Koo everywhere and was so worried for him.


"And and you know, Jiminie Hyung makes the most delicious cookie ever!! He even calls it 'Cookie for Kookie'" Jungkook giggles, while telling the others about the special cookie his Jimin Hyung bake for him few days ago.

"Hihihihi" Jungkook laughs as he gulps down another glass, "Ajumma, One more Soju please." He showed his empty bottle down.

His friends look at him with worried eyes as they tries to stop Jungkook from drinking more.

"Easy Jungkook. You're drinking like you will drink the whole shop of Soju", Eunwoo tries taking the bottle from his hand.

But Jungkook snatch the bottle again as he shouted "Let me drink!"

"OH boy calm down Kook" Mingyu also tries to stop him but Jungkook didn't care as he drank more.

"Bam, you should join me, here" and Jungkook grabs Bambam's face as he showed a shot of soju down into his throat. Bambam coughs.

"He is wild!" Eunwoo commented.

"Bro who hurt you?" Bambam ask laughing.

"Jiminie Hyung!" he replied honestly.

"Jiminie Hyung hurt me Bam", Jungkook said resting his head on the table with a thud.

"He always hurt me~" Jungkook cried in drunken tone.

"Call Jimin right now!" Mingyu panicked seeing Jungkook started to cry.

"WAAAHHHHHHHH" Jungkook cries.

"He is a very badishhhhh~ no no badishhhhh~ person...." Jungkook's drunken as$ doesn't even know what he was blabbering. "No wait... t-that's not even a *hic* w-word, stupid Jungkook *hic*" as he slaps himself lightly on his red cheeks.

"Jungkook I honestly think you should stop drinking now." Yugyeom tries to take the drink away.

"If you take my drink away from me Kim Yugyeom I will.... I will destroy our project.... NOOOOOO I CAN'T DO THAT!!" he yelled as the others claps their hands on their ears.


Jimin thank his friends as he takes Jungkook with him.

Jimin laughs at his cuteness, "Oh my god, you're acting so cute, I wish I could kiss you right now." Left his mouth.

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