35.Jimin wants his tail around little Jungkookie!

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Jimin wants his tail around little Jungkookie!

A/N: Sweet and Hot update, enjoy reading😘

*In Jeju* 🏝️🍹⛱️🌞 🌊

"I won't share my room with you Hyung!" Jungkook pointed at Jimin.

"Baby that's rude!" Bo Young said.

"But Eomma!! We have other rooms available so let Kookie have his own room. And once Taehyung will come here, they both can share the room, right?!" Seokjin pointed it out.

"Jin-ah! You don't know anything" Bo Young try to hush her eldest.

"Bo Young-ah let the kids decided it" Min Young said.

"But Unnie!" Bo Young says but Min Young shushed her.

"Thanks, Eommonie, and Eomma, Jin Hyung is right! And it's inconvenient for Jimin Hyung to! He is already sharing room with me in our House so let him have his own room here" Jungkook says as he goes and stand beside Jin, side hugging him.

Jin adores Jungkook saying, "Let's do as my Kookie says!" he pinches his little brother's cheeks then he looks at Jimin with emotionless eyes saying, "You have no problem with that right, Jimin?" threatening him basically.

"I...I..." Jimin couldn't say anything as Jin glares at him.

"Kook can have his own room. Tae will join him after they will get here" Jimin said scratching his nape looking down.

Here mischievous Jungkook was holding a very devilish smile as his plan got successful. But as soon as Jin looks down, he changes his expression from 'Devil to angel'

>>> "I don't wanna share my room with this pervert Hyung now. He always hugs me and didn't even leave me in the morning, as if we are newlyweds couples.

Oh, my poor heart can't take his flirtation actions now.

He even flirt outside now days, Shameless Hyung" <<<

Jungkook was cursing Jimin in his mind when, "Koo you seriously don't wanna share room with me?!" Jimin ask, his puppy eyes on full display in front of their parents.

"Acting innocent?!" Jungkook scoff in his mind.

Jimin came near him saying, "Koo... we are really good partners... I mean room partners. Why don't we share a room together, Taehyung will need his own privacy, don't you think?" he said as he winked, only Jungkook and NamJin saw that wink.

Seokjin's mouth drops to the floor seeing his shameless flirting.

Namjoon rolled his eyes to the heaven.

And the said boy Jungkook was red as scarlet as sunset colour. Blushing baby couldn't utter a word.

"This Hyung is really shameless" Jungkook thinks.

"Aish this Jimin! Flirting in front of me! I won't let him succeed in his plan. The way our parents are kept ignoring the issue, I don't think anyone can stop them from sharing a room or worse seeing how shamelessly Jimin is flirting with Kookie, they will get married soon and our parents won't going to even object this marriage. I have to do something. Think Seokjin think!"

Seokjin pull Jungkook on his side saying, "Jimin, Jungkook and Tae both know each other since childhood. They won't have a problem with sharing a room together but You!"

"Hyung!" Namjoon whisper to him.

"Keep it low, our parents are watching. You disliking Jimin, kept that aside and talk nicely to him." Namjoon whispers in Jin's ear.

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