6. Another Departure

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*Few years later*

A/N : Hello everyone. It's been a while. I have two reasons why I name this book 'Photograph'. Because of Ed Sheeran's song, it's lyrics are heart touching and lovely. You will get to know the second reason soon! Enjoy reading.

I can't even say to you, to stay here" Jungkook hugged his Hyung.

Jin wipes his little brother's tears saying "Hey, I'm not like your Jimin Hyung, who will promise to come back but won't, I will come back, after my semester ends"

Jungkook node but say "Don't say anything to my Jimin Hyung."

"Of course! Bunny can't hear anything against his Jimin Hyung" Jin chuckle, messing Jungkook's hair.

"Jimin Hyung left me, and now you're also leaving me for Jonnie Hyung right?" Jungkook said, his nose turned red by crying, the truth finally came out from his mouth.

Jin hug Jungkook tightly saying "Jungkook-ah! Baby yeah... I'm going there for Jonnie but, for my studies too. I can't ignore such a rare opportunity like this, otherwise why would I leave my baby brother alone here?"

Jungkook understands his Hyung but he doesn't want him to go, he don't want to separate from his Hyung. He took a deep breath and give his bunny smile, while tears slip from his doe eyes "Fine! Don't be so cheesy Hyung. But you have to promise me that you'll come back after your semester ends"

Jin chuckle, knowing Jungkook understands him, even if he doesn't want his Hyung to leave him alone. "I promise my baby brother. And I might meet your Jimin Hyung there. You want me to tell him something?"

Jungkook knows what Jin is taking about, he was talking about the letters, Jungkook been writing to Jimin.

"You won't tell him anything!" he warned Jin.

SeokJin sign on this, saying " Jungkook-ah....Tell Jimin everything Jungkook.... Tell from him from the start.... He will understand."

"Tell him how it started, tell him why it started. Tell him everything, like Tae doesn't wants to answer him, so you did. Tell him you wanted to talk to him, that's why you wrote those letters to him. Tell him that you wrote those letters, not Taehyung!"

"Tell him it was You not Taehyung! Jimin will understand, baby... he has the rights to know the truth" Jin told him, but Jungkook shake his head.

"He won't Hyung... I know he won't" Jungkook told him.

"He likes Tae Hyung not me! He thinks it's Tae Hyung, not me. He will hate me if I tell him anything" Jungkook told him.

"Koo baby.... It's not true. Just like you know your Jimin Hyung, that's how, in some way, I also known him since childhood. He was the one who saw you first, when you were born. He was the one who was so excited to meet you. He saw you before me. He knows everything about you."

"Even if you sneeze, he knows it before anyone. Since childhood Jimin has taken care of you, how can he hate you? How can he hate his 'Koo'! Tell Jimin everything, he will understand, Trust me!" Seokjin tried to convince Jungkook, who only node.

"I will try" he said.

"That's like my little chipmunk! And listen, don't ignore your studies, cause of your Jimin Hyung. Hyung won't like it, if you ignore your studies." Jin said, finally making Jungkook smile.

"Hyung! When did I ever ignore my studies? Don't worry It won't affect my studies." Jungkook told him.

Hyung Sik came there, seeing his both kids are talking, and hugging each other, he also join them "You both brats, did you forget your Dad Pal? Lemme hug my babies too. We'll make your mom jealous, we'll tell her we are one team now"

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