26.Love Triangle begin...?

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Hint 2: 🐇🐥🐅 – 'Me Before You.'

"You have got a great collections of books Koo..." Jimin says taking a book from his shell.

"Umm... yeah!! You know Hyung, Jin Hyung always sends me few books & and some of them are bought online" Koo chirps up, showing Jimin his collection of books.

"Taehyung Hyung always teased about how many books I collect but he never knows I just don't collect them.... I treasured them" a small smile curls upon Koo's lips as he stares at his books lovingly, Jimin just loves his smile.

"Yeah... a treasure!" he says, looking at Koo's shiny star orbs.

"Oh! 'Me Before You'! wait a second you have almost every book Taehyung has written in his letters..." Jimin look at Jungkook's expression.

His ears turning red, Bun looks at him, "He borrowed it from me..." he lied.

"Oh... okay" Jimin smirked mentally.

'Let's test him again' he thinks.

After a while when Taehyung came to study with Koo, well actually Tae wanted to borrow Koo's notes from him, as he was whining about how much he has to practice for his basketball championship and how he didn't have time to make notes.

Jimin spotted the duo in their living room as he comes near them, "Oh Hey Tae" Jimin flirts.

"Hi Jimin..." Taehyung blush pink, Jungkook didn't notice it.

"Oh, hey I really love the book you recommended me in your letters" he completed his sentence seeing a clueless frowning Taehyung & wide-eyed Koo.

"Which book?" Taehyung frowns.

"Me Before You book. The one you told me about it" Jimin smiles grows suspiciously wicked seeing clueless Taehyung trying to remember if he told Jimin something about it?! Or not?!

Taehyung pouted as his expression changes in a boring manner, while Jungkook looks petrified.

'He is gonna make a mess now... Jimin Hyung why?! Why you have to ask him now' Koo thinks.

"Jimin! Since how long you know me?" Taehyung sass asking him a question.

"Since childhood" he answered.

"Uh-huh" Taehyung moves his finger in no. "How long has it been since 'we meet again'?"

"A week or two?" Jimin answered honestly.

'Trouble is coming' Koo facepalm mentally.

Taehyung chuckles, "Jimin! Jimin! Jimin! It's only been two weeks so must know that Kim Taehyung doesn't like to read!"

"I have never even heard of such a book you're talking about!" Taehyung shrugged casually.

"You didn't?" Jimin questions to confirm the horrifying look on Koo's face.

'I should stop him before he blabbers more', Koo tries to hints Tae, widening his eyes, and moving them left and right, but Tae obviously ignored him.

"Heck No! If I have time then I might have completed my notes that's why I'm borrowing them from Kook's. Jimin, I don't get time for even basketball when I supposed to be practicing right now, let alone studies."

"Taehyung Hyung! You forgot the book... which you borrowed from me..." Jungkook trying to hint him through eye contact.

"ME?" clueless Taehyung questioned.

"Yes YOU!" Jungkook greeted his teeth.

"Yes, you did borrow it from me..." Jungkook gives another hint, and finally Taehyung got the hint saying.

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